Archives de catégorie : LALIGA XTRA


Legal notice

Publisher : this site is published by Mobile Content Factory

Registered office: 350 rue denis papin – parc de la duranne – domaine du tourillon – 13100 aix-en-provence – france (société par actions simplifiée (sas), with a capital of 1,203,258.00 euros, registered with the aix-en-provence trade and companies register under number 390 944 429)

Intra-community vat number fr 91 390 944 429

Director of publication: M. BRICHE, president

Customer service

Post : (not requiring cancellation): Mobile Content Factory– service client libre réponse 76925 – 13629 aix en provence 1 – france 


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Legal notice

Publisher : this site is published by Mobile Content Factory

Registered office: 350 rue denis papin – parc de la duranne – domaine du tourillon – 13100 aix-en-provence – france (société par actions simplifiée (sas), with a capital of 1,203,258.00 euros, registered with the aix-en-provence trade and companies register under number 390 944 429)

Intra-community vat number fr 91 390 944 429

Director of publication: M. BRICHE, president

Customer service

Post : (not requiring cancellation): Mobile Content Factory– service client libre réponse 76925 – 13629 aix en provence 1 – france 


Amazon web services emea sarl38 avenue john f. kennedy, l-1855 luxembourg phone number: 00352 2789 0057




Le présent avenant a pour vocation d’apporter sur le règlement du jeu « Action Promotionnel – Service LaLiga Xtra » les modifications suivantes :


  • Modifier la période du jeu.
  • Désigner un nouveau lot « Maillot officiel du Real Madrid » à gagner avec l’option sur tirage au sort.
  • Spécifier les règles de gestion pour désigner le gagnant du maillot.


Le règlement du jeu doit donc être modifié en conséquence, conformément à ce qui suit.


Le jeu se déroule sur une période de cinquante-huit (58) jours allant du lundi 04 novembre 2024 à partir de 00 :00 :00 jusqu’au mardi 31 décembre 2024 à 23 :59 :59.



Un (01) Maillot officiel du Real Madrid d’une valeur estimative de 500 dinars TTC pour un gagnant issus de toute la base du service LaLiga Xtra OTN, qui a joué au Quizz et a apporté au moins une bonne réponse pendant la période du jeu.


La désignation du gagnant du lot « Maillot officiel du Real Madrid » se fera suite à un tirage au sort qui aura lieu le jeudi 02/01/2025. Le tirage au sort sera effectué par l’huissier de justice Maître MONTASSAR AMRI dont le cabinet est sis à 19 bis Rue Malta Sghira – Tunis.


Le présent avenant modificatif prend effet à compter de son enregistrement auprès de l’huissier notaire.

L’ensemble des dispositions de ce règlement du jeu non modifié ou non complété aux présentes demeurent inchangées et applicables.



Article 1 : Organisateurs du jeu

L’organisateur du présent jeu :


DIGITAL VIRGO TUNISIE, Société Anonyme au capital de 500 000 dinars, inscrite au registre national des entreprises sous l’identifiant unique N°937960Y, titulaire du matricule fiscal N°937960Y/A/M/000, dont le siège social est situé au 7 Rue Hassib Ben Ammar 1053 les berges du lac 1 Tunis, Tunisie, représentée par son Directeur Général, Monsieur Khaled TROUDI, ci- après désignée « DIGITAL VIRGO TUNISIE » ;

  En partenariat avec 

 ORANGE TUNISIE SA, société anonyme au capital de 31.335.600 dinars, inscrite au registre national des entreprises sous l’identifiant unique N°0868024D, titulaire du matricule fiscal N°0868024D/A/M/000, ayant son siège social à l’Immeuble Orange Tunisie, avenue du cheikh Mohamed Fadhel Ben Achour, Centre Urbain Nord, 1003 Tunis, représentée aux fins des présentes par son Directeur Général Adjoint, Monsieur Hatem MASMOUDI, ci-après désignée « Orange Tunisie » 


Les deux parties seront désignés dans le présent règlement par les « Organisateurs » ; 


Article 2 : Les règles du jeu

2.1  Durée et lieu du jeu

Le jeu se déroule sur une période de cinquante-huit (58) jours allant du lundi 04 novembre 2024 à partir de 00 :00 :00 jusqu’au mardi 31 décembre 2024 à 23 :59 :59.

 Ce jeu est sans obligation d’achat.

La participation au jeu est ouverte à toute personne physique majeure, à l’exception des employés d’Orange Tunisie SA et de DIGITAL VIRGO TUNISIE ainsi que leurs ascendants, descendants et conjoints et de façon générale, toute personne ayant participé directement ou indirectement à l’élaboration du jeu, ainsi que les membres de sa famille.


2.2 Eligibilité et Mode de participation

Pour participer au jeu, les personnes remplissant les conditions d’éligibilité prévues par l’article 2.1 du présent règlement doivent être inscrits au service LaLiga Xtra de Orange Tunisie durant la période de l’action. Durant cette période, un Quizz contenant des questions sur le championnat espagnol sera disponible sur le service est accessible par tous les abonnés Orange inscrits sur le service. Un score sera attribué à chaque participant selon le nombre de ses bonnes et mauvaises réponses. Le participant qui réalise le meilleur score sur toute la période du jeu sera désigné comme gagnant.


Article 3 : Les Lots mis en jeu

  • Un (01) voyage à Madrid (Espagne) d’une durée de 2 nuits et 3 jours pour regarder le match Derby de Madrid entre le Real Madrid et l’Atletico de Madrid qui aura lieu le 09 février 2025 au stade Santiago Bernabeu, incluant le billet d’avion aller-retour, 2 nuitées dans un hôtel et le ticket du match. La valeur estimative du lot s’élève à 5000 dinars TTC

Le gagnant du voyage doit avoir un passeport en cours de validité, cette condition sera vérifiée par l’Organisateur au moment de la prise de contact du gagnant. L’organisateur n’assume aucune responsabilité par rapport à la déposition et l’attribution du Visa ou toute autre autorisation de voyage nécessaire.

En cas de non-obtention du visa ou si le gagnant renonce à postuler pour celui-ci, il se verra offrir un voucher auprès de l’agence de voyage partenaire, d’une valeur équivalente au prix du billet d’avion et à l’hébergement (hors ticket de match), utilisable dans un délai de six (06) mois pour un autre voyage, national ou international, selon ses préférences.

  • Un (01) Maillot officiel du Real Madrid d’une valeur estimative de 500 dinars TTC pour un gagnant issus de toute la base du service LaLiga Xtra OTN, qui a joué au Quizz et a apporté au moins une bonne réponse pendant la période du jeu.


Article 4 : Désignation des gagnants et tirage au sort

  • Le participant qui réalise le meilleur score sur toute la période du jeu sera désigné comme gagnant du voyage. Si 2 participants ou plus réalisent le même meilleur score, un tirage au sort sera effectué pour désigner le gagnant.
  • La désignation du gagnant du lot « Maillot officiel du Real Madrid » se fera suite à un tirage au sort qui aura lieu le jeudi 02/01/2025. Toute personne inscrite sur le service durant la période du jeu et ayant apporté au moins une bonne réponse sur le Quizz sera éligible pour le tirage. Le tirage au sort sera effectué par l’huissier de justice Maître MONTASSAR AMRI dont le cabinet est sis à 19 bis Rue Malta Sghira – Tunis

Tous les tirages au sort seront effectués par l’huissier de justice Maître MONTASSAR AMRI dont le cabinet est sis à 19 bis Rue Malta Sghira – Tunis.

Le service client d’Orange Tunisie contactera les gagnants sur leurs numéros de téléphone (numéros qui leur ont permis de participer au jeu ou numéros renseignés sur les demandes de participation).


Article 5 : Remise des lots

Le gagnant recevra un appel téléphonique pour les informer de la date de la remise des cadeaux et un SMS pour préciser l’adresse ou le lieu de la remise. Les gagnants devront récupérer leurs lots au plus tard le 05/01/2025.

Les gagnants autorisent les Organisateurs à vérifier leurs coordonnés (adresse postale et/ou numéro de téléphone).

Un seul lot est attribué par gagnant (même nom et même CIN). Les gagnants autorisent Orange Tunisie à vérifier leurs coordonnés (adresse postale et/ou numéro de téléphone). A ce titre, le gagnant qui se présente pour récupérer son lot devra être muni d’une pièce d’identité prouvant qu’il est le propriétaire de la ligne qui a été utilisée pour participer au jeu, si le gagnant n’en n’est pas propriétaire, il devra impérativement présenter une procuration du propriétaire du numéro. En tout état de cause, les gagnants devront dans un délai ne dépassant pas quinze (15) jours à compter de la réception de la notification par téléphone, régulariser le cas échéant leurs situations et réclamer les lots.

Les gagnants qui ne se présentent pas seront disqualifiés et les lots qui leurs étaient destinés seront perdus et demeureront acquis par l’organisateur. Les lots ne peuvent faire l’objet d’aucune contrepartie ni d’aucun remboursement de quelque nature que ce soit et sont non-cessibles.

Par ailleurs, l’organisateur se réservent le droit de remplacer les lots annoncés par des prix de valeur équivalente.

L’organisateur ne sauraient être tenus responsables de toute avarie, vol ou perte intervenus après réception des lots par les participants. Enfin, les Organisateurs déclinent toute responsabilité en cas d’incident qui pourrait survenir à l’occasion de l’utilisation ou de la jouissance des lots gagnés.

Par ailleurs, les gagnants s’engagent à respecter l’image de marque de l’organisateur et ne rien entreprendre qui puisse y nuire.


Article 6 : Remboursement

La participation au jeu est gratuite. Toute personne participant au jeu pourra obtenir sur demande envoyée à l’adresse du jeu, le remboursement des frais nécessaires à sa participation au jeu.


Article 7 : Informations et protection des données personnelles

Les informations nominatives recueillies dans le cadre du présent jeu sont traitées conformément à la Loi organique n°2004-63 du 27/07/2004 relative à la protection des données à caractère personnel. Tous les participants au jeu disposent en application de cette loi, d’un droit d’accès ou de rectification des données les concernant.

Toute demande d’accès, de rectification ou d’opposition doit être adressée à l’adresse suivante : Immeuble Orange Tunisie, avenue du Cheikh Mohamed Fadhel Ben Achour, Centre Urbain Nord, 1003Tunis.


Article 8 : Dépôt légal

Le présent règlement est déposé chez le Notaire, Maître Rabeb REZGUI dont le cabinet est sis au Bloc A – 4ème étage, Bureau N A4-2, Résidence Hadya, Mourouj 4, Ben Arous, dépositaire du règlement et sera adressé, à titre gratuit à chaque demandeur à l’adresse du maître.

Le timbre nécessaire à la demande d’une copie du règlement sera remboursé sur simple demande sur la base du tarif en vigueur.

Les tirages au sort seront réalisés sous le contrôle de l’Huissier de justice, Maître MONTASSAR

AMRI dont le cabinet est sis à 19 bis Rue Malta Sghira – Tunis.


Article 9 : Litiges et responsabilités

La participation au jeu emporte l’acceptation pleine et entière par les participants des clauses du présent règlement. Les participants renoncent à tout recours portant sur les conditions d’organisation du jeu, son déroulement ainsi que ses résultats.

Le participant est seul responsable en cas de fraude de sa part par quelque moyen que ce soit et toute déclaration inexacte ou mensongère, toute fraude entraînera la disqualification du participant. Les Organisateurs trancheront souverainement tout litige relatif au jeu et à son règlement. Il ne sera répondu à aucune demande téléphonique ou écrite concernant


    l’interprétation ou l’application du présent règlement, les mécanismes ou les modalités du jeu ainsi que sur la liste des gagnants. Les Organisateurs se réservent le droit pour quelque raison que ce soit, de prolonger ou d’annuler le présent jeu.


Article 10 : Convention de preuve

Sauf en cas d’erreurs manifestes, il est convenu que les informations résultant des systèmes du jeu des Organisateurs ont force probante dans tout litige quant aux éléments de connexion et au traitement informatique desdites informations relatives au présent jeu.


Article 11 : Attribution de compétence

Les participants admettent sans réserve que le simple fait de participer à ce jeu les soumet obligatoirement aux lois tunisiennes, notamment pour tout litige qui viendrait à naître du fait du jeu objet des présentes ou qui serait directement ou indirectement lié à celui-ci, et ce sans préjudice des éventuelles règles de conflits de lois pouvant exister.

Tout litige entre les parties relève de la compétence exclusive des tribunaux de Tunis I.


Fait à Tunis le 28/10/2024




    L’huissier Notaire                                                            P/ DIGITAL VIRGO TUNISIE

               Maitre                                                                               Le Directeur Général

Rabeb Rezgui                                                                                              M. Khaled TROUDI




Novembre 2023


Le Site est édité par Mobile Pass (ci-après dénommée « MOBILE PASS ») dont les coordonnées apparaissent dans le menu « Infos Editeur et Service Client » et qui propose une offre permettant aux utilisateurs de de visionner des vidéos highlights pour les compétitions LALIGA (Espagne) et de suivre en détail tout le contenu lié à l’expérience en direct des compétitions nationales de football professionnel en Espagne sur les Terminaux fixes et mobiles.

Les thématiques proposées recouvrent les compétitions de football professionnel LALIGA (Espagne).

L’accès aux services proposés sur le site LALIGA XTRA accessible sur l’Internet et l’Internet mobile (ci-après dénommé le « Site ») emporte acceptation sans réserve des présentes dispositions (ci-après dénommées les « CGV »).

L’intégralité des engagements de MOBILE PASS en termes de protection des données personnes, des droits dont vous disposez à ce titre et des conditions dans lesquelles vos données personnes sont collectées, traitées, conservées et archivées sont disponible sur le Site. 

Les CGV sont établies en Français et disponibles en ligne depuis le Site. MOBILE PASS se réserve le droit de modifier ses CGV.


CGV : s’entend des présentes conditions générales de vente.

FAI : s’entend d’un fournisseur d’accès Internet.

Contenus : s’entend de la(des) vidéo(s) à la demande et/ou de court-métrage(s) et/ou de série(s) proposé(s) aux Utilisateurs par MOBILE PASS. Les vidéos à la demande sont destinées à être visionnées en streaming disponible sur sur leur Terminal mobile dans le cadre du Service sur leur Terminal.

MOBILE PASS : s’entend de la marque éditrice.

Abonnement :    s’entend de la souscription de l’abonnement quotidien, d’une durée minimum d’un jour (selon l’offre souscrite) permettant de bénéficier du Service et d’accéder aux Contenus en illimité dans le cadre de l’Abonnement. L’Abonnement est renouvelé par tacite reconduction pour des périodes successives d’un jour, selon le cas jusqu’à sa résiliation par l’Utilisateur dans les conditions précisées dans les CGV.

Service : s’entend de l’offre de Contenus proposés par MOBILE PASS aux Utilisateurs accessibles dans le cadre de la souscription d’un Abonnement.

SMS-MO (ou Short Message Service Mobile Originated) : s’entend d’un SMS émis depuis le téléphone mobile d’un Utilisateur.

SMS-MT (ou Short Message Service Mobile Terminated) : s’entend d’un SMS reçu sur le téléphone mobile d’un Utilisateur.

Site : s’entend du site et/ou des pages Internet de promotion (« landing page ») édité par MOBILE PASS sur lequel les Contenus sont proposés.

Support(s) de promotion : s’entend des supports sur lesquels MOBILE PASS effectue la promotion de son Service. Il peut notamment s’agir de newsletters, de sites Internet, de pages Internet, de bannières mobiles.

Terminal : s’entend des Terminaux fixes et des Terminaux mobiles.

Terminal fixe : s’entend de tout terminal fixe, présent ou futur, connecté à un réseau de télécommunication radioélectrique en ce compris notamment tout ordinateur (notamment de type PC, MAC), TV connectées compatibles permettant d’accéder au Service.

Terminal mobile : s’entend de tout terminal mobile, présent ou futur, connecté à un réseau de télécommunication radioélectrique en ce compris notamment tout smartphone, tablette connectée compatibles permettant d’accéder au Service.

Utilisateur(s) :  s’entend de la (des) personnes ayant souscrit au Service.


Les présentes CGV ont pour objet de régir les conditions dans lesquelles le Service est proposé aux Utilisateurs, ce Service permettant aux Utilisateurs de visionner des Contenus vidéos highlights pour les compétitions LALIGA (Espagne) et de suivre en détail tout le contenu lié à l’expérience en direct des compétitions nationales de football professionnel en Espagne sur les Terminaux fixes et mobiles. Le Service proposé par MOBILE PASS est un service accessible par la souscription d’un Abonnement. La souscription dudit Abonnement peut se faire via le Site Internet, les pages internet de promotion ou via les Applications. L’Abonnement est facturé à l’Utilisateur via les solutions de paiement Opérateur Mobile ou par prélèvement sur sa carte bancaire.

Le seul fait d’utiliser le Service implique l’acceptation pure et simple des présentes CGV par l’Utilisateur.


2.1. L’accès et l’utilisation du Service sont réservés aux personnes physiques majeures.

Dans l’hypothèse où l’Utilisateur est une personne physique mineure, l’Utilisateur déclare et reconnaît avoir recueilli l’autorisation préalable auprès de ses parents ou du (ou des) titulaire(s) de l’autorité parentale pour s’inscrire et utiliser le Service. Le(les) titulaire(s) de l’autorité parentale a(ont) accepté d’être garant(s) du respect par l’Utilisateur de l’ensemble des dispositions des présentes CGV. Le(les) titulaire(s) de l’autorité parentale est(sont) invité(s) à surveiller l’utilisation faite par leurs enfants de l’accès au Service et à garder présent à l’esprit que le Service est conçu pour toucher un large public. En leur qualité de représentant légal, il est de la responsabilité des parents de déterminer quel Service est ou non approprié pour leur(s) enfant(s) et de surveiller l’utilisation qu’ils en font.

Pour une utilisation depuis son lieu de travail, l’Utilisateur doit demander l’autorisation à son employeur ou son supérieur hiérarchique.

2.2. Pour pouvoir accéder au Service, l’Utilisateur doit notamment :

–        être titulaire d’un abonnement Internet, et le cas échéant d’un abonnement de téléphonie mobile ou d’un terminal mobile android ou IOS,

–        souscrire à l’Abonnement sur le Site, une page Internet de promotion,

  • respecter les conditions d’utilisation de son Terminal indiquées par son constructeur, et de son opérateur de téléphonie mobile,
  • vérifier que la mémoire de son Terminal n’est pas saturée,
  • s’assurer de la compatibilité de son Terminal avec le Contenu désiré,
  • se rendre sur pour visualiser les films en streaming sur un Terminal fixe,
  • vérifier que sa boîte e-mail est configurée pour recevoir des e-mails de la part de MOBILE PASS ;
  • saisir des informations exactes lors de la souscription d’un Abonnement et notamment son(ses) :
    • adresse e-mail,
    • FAI,
    • numéro de téléphone mobile,
    • opérateur de téléphonie mobile.

Une fois l’Abonnement souscrit, l’Utilisateur recevra un e-mail de confirmation d’inscription à l’Abonnement comprenant ses identifiants lui permettant d’accéder à son espace membre et de visionner Contenu de son choix. L’Utilisateur est facturé selon le cas sur sa facture de FAI ou d’opérateur de téléphonie mobile ou sur son compte bancaire.

  • Dans l’hypothèse d’une souscription à partir d’un support de communication accessible par voie d’affichage, presse, radio et pushs cross SMS (support « offline ») 

L’Utilisateur qui souhaite souscrire au Service doit envoyer un code ou mot clé indiqué sur le support de promotion au numéro court indiqué sur ledit support par SMS MO. Une fois son code d’accès saisi et envoyé, l’Utilisateur recevra un SMS lui demandant d’envoyer le mot clé « OK » pour confirmer son inscription. Il reçoit alors un SMS MT lui confirmant son abonnement.

  • Dans l’hypothèse d’une souscription à partir d’un support de communication accessible par voie électronique (support « online ») 

L’Utilisateur qui souhaite souscrire au Service doit renseigner son numéro de téléphone sur le support. Il reçoit ensuite un code par SMS MT qu’il doit renseigner sur le support pour accéder au Service.

Une fois sa demande d’abonnement confirmée, l’Utilisateur aura directement accès au Service via son compte une fois créé et pourra accéder aux fonctionnalités du Service.
En cas de défaut de réception des codes d’accès, MOBILE PASS ne pourra en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable celle-ci ne maîtrisant ni le réseau Internet mobile, ni l’installation informatique et téléphonique de l’Utilisateur.

L’accès et l’utilisation du Service nécessite le recours à des équipements, tels que notamment ordinateur ou terminal mobile, moyens de communications (tels qu’un accès à Internet mobile), logiciels. Ces équipements sont à la charge exclusive des Utilisateurs, de même que les frais de communication induits par leur utilisation.

Le Service est accessible aux Utilisateurs abonnés aux opérateurs de téléphonie mobile mentionnés dans la rubrique « Conditions tarifaires » figurant sur la page d’accueil du Site.


L’Utilisateur devra effectuer les opérations ci-après indiquées pour souscrire au Service (l’Abonnement) afin de pouvoir visionner le(s) Contenu(s) de son choix un(des) Contenu(s) le cadre du Service sur son Terminal. L’Utilisateur dispose du moyen de paiement par Opérateur Mobile.  La Société proposera à l’Utilisateur l’un ou l’autre de ces modes de paiement en fonction du parcours client de l’Utilisateur.

  • Dans l’hypothèse d’un paiement par Opérateur Mobile

L’Utilisateur est invité à souscrire au Service en payant par le mode de paiement de l’opérateur mobile.

  • L’Utilisateur sélectionne un Contenu sur le Site ou un Support de promotion de MOBILE PASS.
  • Une fenêtre Internet de l’opérateur s’ouvre, l’utilisateur peut valider le paiement en cliquant sur Valider
  • L’Utilisateur reçoit une confirmation de son Abonnement par SMS par son opérateur de téléphonie mobile.
  • L’Utilisateur reçoit un e-mail ou un SMS de confirmation comprenant ses accès à son espace membre, lui permettant de se connecter et de choisir de visionner des Contenus sur les supports mobiles et web qu’il a sélectionné dans le cadre de la souscription au Service.
  • L’Utilisateur pourra consulter à tout moment, via le Site ou les applications mobiles, la liste des Contenus et des Contenus de loisir disponibles dans le cadre de l’Abonnement souscrit.


  • Durée de l’Abonnement 

Un Abonnement est conclu pour des périodes quotidiennes et est reconductible tacitement par période subséquente d’un jour (selon la durée initiale de l’Abonnement souscrit) jusqu’à résiliation par l’Utilisateur dans les conditions mentionnées à l’article 5.4 des présentes.

  • Consultation des Contenus et des Contenus de loisir dans le cadre de l’Abonnement

Après avoir souscrit au Service, l’Utilisateur reçoit ses accès à son espace membre dans lequel il peut sélectionner le Contenu de son choix, pour le visionner en streaming sur tous supports.

L’Utilisateur peut visionner autant de Contenus qu’il le souhaite, parmi les Contenus proposés.

  • Durée de validité de l’accès à la consultation de la liste des Contenus

L’Utilisateur pourra consulter la sélection de Contenus et visualiser le(les) Contenu(s) sur tous supports et ce, pendant la durée de validité de son Abonnement à partir de son espace membre.

  • Espace membre

Une fois son inscription validée, quel que soit le mode de facturation choisi, l’Utilisateur recevra un email de la part de MOBILE PASS lui indiquant ses identifiants afin d’accéder à son compte utilisateur dans la zone membre du Site. Son identifiant est l’adresse email renseignée au moment de la souscription de son Abonnement. Il est invité à se rendre dans son espace membre afin de modifier le mot de passe attribué par MOBILE PASS.

Dès lors qu’il est inscrit, l’Utilisateur peut accéder à son espace membre sur le Site ou sur l’Application.


5.1. Les tarifs applicables au Service

L’accès au Service suppose que l’Utilisateur ait souscrit un abonnement facturé via SMS.

Les tarifs applicables au Service sont présentés sur les écrans de présentation du Service et/ou sur les Supports de promotion. Ces tarifs sont exprimés en dirhams marocain et toutes taxes comprises (TTC).

Tout changement du taux légal de TVA applicable sera automatiquement répercuté sur le prix du Service à la date prévue par la réglementation en vigueur.

Le tarif indiqué ne comprend pas l’éventuel surcoût lié à la connexion au wap ou Internet, facturé en sus par l’opérateur de téléphonie mobile.

Les conditions financières applicables à l’Abonnement sont régies par les conditions générales en vigueur au moment de la souscription de l’Abonnement.

5.2. Les moyens de paiement

Le règlement du Service souscrit par l’Utilisateur est effectué par prélèvement sur la facture de l’Opérateur de téléphonie mobile de l’Utilisateur.

5.4. Désinscription à l’Abonnement

L’Utilisateur qui souhaite se désabonner est invité à se reporter aux dispositions relatives à ce sujet à partir de la rubrique « Se désabonner » ou « Conditions tarifaires » figurant sur la page d’accueil du Site.


L’Utilisateur s’engage, lors de la procédure de souscription, à indiquer des données complètes et conformes à la réalité.

L’Utilisateur est informé qu’en cas de choix, de renseignement erroné ou omis de sa part ou de non-respect de la procédure de souscription, le prix du Service lui sera débité et ce, même si l’adresse e-mail de l’Utilisateur n’a pas été dûment renseignée ou est inexacte ou si le Terminal de l’Utilisateur ne peut lire le Contenu choisi.

L’Utilisateur est seul responsable de l’usage qu’il fait de sa ligne de téléphonie mobile dont il est titulaire et de son accès au réseau Internet. Par conséquent, toute souscription au Service effectué par l’intermédiaire de sa ligne de téléphonie mobile et/ou de son accès d’Internet mobile est réputée avoir été effectuée par les soins de l’Utilisateur exclusivement.

L’Utilisateur est autorisé à souscrire au Service et à visualiser les Contenus sur les Applications Android, IOS et les Terminaux fixes pour son usage personnel exclusivement. Il est notamment interdit à l’Utilisateur d’utiliser le Service à des fins professionnelles, commerciales ou promotionnelles.

Il est également interdit à l’Utilisateur de :

  • céder, transmettre, transférer des reproductions des Contenus ou des Contenus de loisir, céder, proposer, mettre à disposition, louer le(les) Contenu(s) ou le(s) Contenu(s) de loisir, par quelque moyen que ce soit ;
  • publier, en ligne ou non ou de distribuer tout image, son, fichier, graphique, animation ou tout autre élément de tout Contenu ou de tout Contenu de loisir,
  • utiliser le Service d’une manière pouvant porter atteinte directement ou indirectement aux droits de propriété intellectuelle de MOBILE PASS ou d’un tiers, pouvant notamment violer ou transgresser l’honneur, l’intimité personnelle ou familiale, l’image de tiers ou la moralité,
  • extraire par transfert permanent ou temporaire la totalité ou une partie quantitativement ou qualitativement substantielle d’un Contenu ou d’un Contenu de loisir ou de la base composant le Service sur un autre support, par tout moyen et sous toute forme que ce soit, ainsi que la réutilisation par la communication au public de la totalité ou d’une partie quantitativement ou qualitativement substantielle du Contenu ou du Contenu de loisir, quelle qu’en soit la forme,
  • tenter d’effectuer l’un quelconque de ces actes.


L’Utilisateur est informé et reconnaît expressément que tout Contenu ou tout Contenu de loisir, document graphique ou logiciel proposé dans le cadre du Service, et plus généralement l’ensemble du Service sont protégés par les lois relatives à la propriété intellectuelle et sont la propriété de MOBILE PASS, de ses ayants-droits ou du tiers titulaire des droits d’auteur. Tous les droits des auteurs, compositeurs et des éditeurs de Contenus ou Contenus de loisir diffusés et reproduits sur les sites Internet de MOBILE PASS et/ou ses pages Internet de promotion sont réservés.

Toute utilisation desdites œuvres autre que pour l’utilisation à titre privé des Contenus ou des Contenus de loisir conformément aux stipulations des présentes est interdite.

L’autorisation de visualiser le(les) Contenu(s) concédée à l’Utilisateur, en contrepartie de son paiement, ne lui confère aucun titre ni droit de propriété, qui restent réservés à leurs auteurs et ayants-droits. Cette autorisation est concédée à titre non exclusif, non cessible et non transmissible. Toute autre utilisation est expressément interdite. En particulier, l’Utilisateur n’est pas autorisé à copier, reproduire, traduire, extraire, modifier, créer des produits dérivés d’un quelconque Contenu ou Contenu de loisir ou d’un élément composant le Service.

Les marques, figuratives ou non (ci-après ensemble « les marques « ) visualisées sur le Site ou dans toute newsletter sont des marques, enregistrées ou non, appartenant à MOBILE PASS et à des tiers. La mention des marques, sur le Site ne constitue en aucune manière de façon implicite ou explicite, une concession de droit d’utilisation, une licence ou une autorisation quelconque relative auxdites marques sans un accord écrit de MOBILE PASS ou du tiers concerné. Toute utilisation, non autorisée explicitement par les titulaires, des marques citées sur le Site et dans son contenu, autre que celle consentie au titre des présentes, est strictement interdite. MOBILE PASS met en garde contre les actions judiciaires qui pourraient être entreprises par cette dernière aux fins d’assurer le respect de ses droits de propriété intellectuelle, y compris au niveau pénal.


Le Service proposé par MOBILE PASS reposant sur l’utilisation de technologies complexes, aucun engagement de résultat ne saurait être pris par MOBILE PASS ou reconnu à son encontre au titre de la fourniture du Service, les seuls engagements de MOBILE PASS étant pris dans le cadre d’une obligation de moyens.

MOBILE PASS fournira ses meilleurs efforts aux fins de rendre le Service accessible en permanence, hors les cas de force majeure, événement hors de son contrôle et opérations de maintenance nécessaires à assurer le bon fonctionnement du Service.

Sans préjudice de ce qui précède, l’Utilisateur reconnaît que le Service lui est fourni « en l’état » par MOBILE PASS et sans garantie implicite ou explicite d’aucune sorte, notamment s’agissant de la satisfaction complète de l’Utilisateur.

L’Utilisateur reconnaît notamment qu’il ne pourra engager la responsabilité de MOBILE PASS dans le cas où il considérerait que le Service et/ou ses Contenus ne sont pas conformes à ses attentes.

Nonobstant toute exonération de responsabilité stipulée par ailleurs dans les présentes CGV, la responsabilité de MOBILE PASS ne saurait notamment être engagée dans les cas suivants :

  • difficultés d’accès au Service du fait du non-respect total ou partiel d’une obligation de l’Utilisateur, de l’utilisation par l’Utilisateur d’un équipement terminal non adapté aux caractéristiques du Service ou des Contenus proposés, d’une défaillance et/ou d’une saturation des réseaux de télécommunications ou du fait des tiers, et notamment des opérateurs téléphoniques,
  • contamination par virus ou tout autre élément à risque des Contenus, du Service et des équipements de l’Utilisateur, ou autre intrusion malveillante de tiers malgré les mesures raisonnables de sécurités mises en place par MOBILE PASS,
  • mauvaise utilisation du Service par l’Utilisateur,
  • dommages que pourraient subir les équipements de l’Utilisateur, ceux-ci étant sous l’entière responsabilité de ce dernier,
  • atteinte d’un Utilisateur aux droits d’un tiers, incluant atteinte aux droits de propriété intellectuelle et de copyright,

En particulier, MOBILE PASS ne saurait être tenue responsable des éventuelles interruptions du Services dues à des causes qui ne lui sont pas directement applicables et/ou qui échappent à son contrôle, par exemple en raison de dysfonctionnement du réseau téléphonique.

Dans le cadre de la fourniture du Service, MOBILE PASS est ainsi amenée à utiliser les services et les réseaux de distribution d’entreprises tierces, dont elle n’a nullement la maîtrise.

MOBILE PASS ne saurait dès lors être tenue responsable notamment des retards possibles dans la distribution des Contenus commandés par l’Utilisateur, des interruptions permanentes ou temporaires de la transmission des données vers le Terminal de l’Utilisateur, ni de tout autre prestation assurée par un tiers.

Le Service pourra être suspendu par MOBILE PASS aux fins de maintenance pour des périodes ne pouvant généralement pas être supérieure à 48 heures, sans que le Client puisse exiger une quelconque compensation.

MOBILE PASS pourra, à tout moment, cesser la fourniture du Service, de manière partielle ou totale.

Il est expressément convenu que si la responsabilité de MOBILE PASS devait être retenue, celle-ci serait en tout état de cause limitée à la réparation des seuls préjudices directs, à l’exclusion de tous préjudices indirects quels qu’ils soient (tels que notamment disparition, perte, détérioration de données et/ou tout dommage susceptible d’altérer notamment l’équipement de l’Utilisateur).

Le Site peut contenir des images et des liens vers des sites Web gérés par des tiers ( » Sites Tiers « ).  MOBILE PASS n’exerce aucun contrôle sur les Sites Tiers et n’assume aucune responsabilité quant à leur contenu, ni notamment quant au contenu des liens présentés dans les Sites Tiers, ou encore aux modifications ou mises à jour apportées à un Site Tiers. MOBILE PASS n’est pas responsable de la diffusion sur le Web ni de toute autre forme de transmission reçue à partir d’un Site Tiers, ni même du mauvais fonctionnement de(s) Site(s) Tiers(s). Ces liens ne sont proposés par MOBILE PASS qu’à des fins de commodité, et l’insertion de tout lien ne signifie pas que MOBILE PASS approuve le contenu de ces sites ni n’implique aucune association entre MOBILE PASS et les exploitants desdits sites. Il appartient aux Utilisateurs de consulter toute charte relative à la protection de la vie privée affichée sur les Sites Tiers, ainsi qu’à leurs conditions d’utilisation, et de s’y conformer.

MOBILE PASS s’efforce de livrer le plus rapidement les produits commandés. Toutefois, MOBILE PASS devant utiliser les services et réseaux de distribution d’entreprises tierces, sur lesquels elle n’a aucune influence en terme de disponibilité, MOBILE PASS ne saurait donc être responsable des retards possibles dans le transfert des produits commandés par l’Utilisateur en achat via la souscription d’un Abonnement, ni non plus, d’une interruption temporaire ou permanente de la transmission des données vers le Terminal mobile ou fixe de l’Utilisateur si celle-ci n’est pas le fait de MOBILE PASS. MOBILE PASS se réserve le droit de suspendre temporairement l’accès aux produits pour des travaux d’entretien et de réparation du Site.

L’utilisation des produits disponibles chez MOBILE PASS nécessite l’utilisation de certains systèmes techniques comme terminal portable ou fixe, ordinateur, programme informatique, moyens de transmission, service de télécommunication et autres services d’entreprises tierces, lesquels peuvent engendrer des coûts supplémentaires. Ces coûts sont à la charge de l’Utilisateur. MOBILE PASS ne fournit aucun de ces systèmes techniques et n’est en aucun cas responsable de ceux-ci.


L’Utilisateur est invité à se reporter à la politique cookies accessible sur le Site.


La durée des présentes CGV est limitée à l’utilisation du Service par l’Utilisateur.

Pour les Services (tels qu’un Abonnement) proposés par MOBILE PASS, l’Utilisateur est informé que la durée de souscription à de tels services peut être limitée, selon les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile ou des FAI, dans la limite d’un montant atteint sur une période donnée. Dans ce dernier cas, dès que cette limite est atteinte, la souscription de l’Utilisateur au Service est automatiquement interrompue, sauf pour l’Utilisateur à manifester expressément son intention de la renouveler.

MOBILE PASS se réserve le droit, sans formalité et de plein droit, de résilier l’accord d’utilisation du Service accordé à l’Utilisateur sans indemnité et sans droit à remboursement, en cas de violation d’une des clauses des présentes CGV et notamment des obligations mises à la charge des Utilisateurs.


Toute réclamation adressée par l’Utilisateur à MOBILE PASS ne pourra porter que sur les 12 (douze) mois précédant la date de réception de ladite réclamation. Elle devra être formulée par écrit et envoyée soit par courrier postal à l’adresse Service client – Libre Réponse 94119 – 13 629 Aix en Provence 1 – France (l’envoi du courrier ne nécessite pas une oblitération) ou soit par email à :

MOBILE PASS ne sera pas tenue de prendre en compte les demandes qui lui seraient adressées par d’autres voies. Pour être recevable, toute demande devra comporter à minima les éléments suivants:

  • les coordonnées complètes (nom, prénom, adresse postale, email) de l’Utilisateur ;
  • le nom du service concerné ;
  • l’objet de la demande ;
  • le numéro de téléphone de l’Utilisateur tel que renseigné au moment de la souscription ;
  • le mode de paiement utilisé ;
  • une copie de la facture détaillée de l’opérateur de paiement ;
  • un relevé d’identité bancaire.


Les présentes CGV sont soumises au droit Marocain.

En cas de litige (pour lesquels seules les juridictions du Maroc seront compétentes), l’Utilisateur s’adressera par priorité à MOBILE PASS pour obtenir une solution amiable.

En cas de contestation relative à l’interprétation, l’exécution et/ou la validité des présentes CG et à défaut de règlement à l’amiable, les règles de compétence légales s’appliquent.  


Les parties conviennent que leurs relations seront régies exclusivement par les présentes CGV.


Legal notice

Publisher : this site is published by Mobile Content Factory

Registered office: 350 rue denis papin – parc de la duranne – domaine du tourillon – 13100 aix-en-provence – france (société par actions simplifiée (sas), with a capital of 1,203,258.00 euros, registered with the aix-en-provence trade and companies register under number 390 944 429)

Intra-community vat number fr 91 390 944 429

Director of publication: M. BRICHE, president

Customer service

Customer service department phone number : +96522054545

Email address:

website : ,

Post : (not requiring cancellation): Mobile Content Factory– service client libre réponse 76925 – 13629 aix en provence 1 – france 


Amazon web services emea sarl38 avenue john f. kennedy, l-1855 luxembourg phone number: 00352 2789 0057



Please read these terms and conditions and our privacy policy carefully found at: (the “Agreement”). The Agreement and the Privacy Policy, available to view at are jointly referred to as (the “Agreements”). We strongly recommend you print them out and read them in their entirety or alternatively a hard copy is available on written request to us using the Customer Service contact details specified below at the end of this Agreement.  

The Agreements are legally binding and set out the terms and conditions upon which you may access and use the service via our web application: (the “Web App”). The Agreement also explains how we may use your personal information, but our Privacy Policy will provide you with more information. By accessing this Web App you agree to be bound by this Agreement.

We recommend that you check this Agreement on each visit to this Web App. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, you may not access or use the Web App and/or the Service (as defined below) and should exit immediately. 

You represent and warrant that you possess the legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement and to use this Service (as defined below) in accordance with all terms and conditions herein. You promise to us you are old enough to enter legally binding contracts and you know you will be responsible for all payments due to us for the Service (as defined below), whether it is used by you or another person using your personal information. 

If you do not agree with any terms and conditions of this Agreement, then you should cease using this Web App and exit immediately. Please note that in some jurisdictions there are obligatory provisions in the consumer legislation that may be relevant to Service (as defined below) provided under this Agreement.



Mobile Content Factory, a company registered in United Arab Emirates and having its registered office located at 410 DMC – Bldg 01 – Dubai Media City – Dubai – UAE (“Company”). The Company provides the LaLiga Xtra service, which is dedicated to the LaLiga championship and includes multimedia content such as videos, news, and pictures as well as live results, fixtures and statistics (the “Content”) for a flat daily subscription fee on your supported mobile device accessed via the Web App (the “Service”). The Service is sponsored by MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY K.S.C.P., with its registered address at Shuwaikh-Airport Road-Beside United Arab Shipping Co, P.O Box 22244 Safat, Kuwait City; Al-Asimah / Capital Governorate; Postal Code: 13083 (hereinafter “Zain”).


Please call our helpline noted in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement without hesitation should you have any questions regarding any aspect of our Service.

In this Agreement references to “we”, “us”, “our” and any similar expression shall include the Company and any of its affiliates. This Agreement is to be entered into between the customer “you” and the Company.


2.1 By agreeing to this Agreement and/or by continuing to use the Service you are bound by the entirety of this Agreement as well as any rules governing the Web App or any Content provided to you on or via the Service. If there are any inconsistencies between any rules on the Web App and this Agreement then the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

2.2 Subject to Clause 2.3 below, we reserve the right to make any amendments to the Agreements. We encourage you to review the Agreement available on our Web App:, which is updated periodically. Your continued use of the Service will be deemed to be your acceptance of any changes to the Agreements (as applicable). If the modified Agreements are not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the customer service section below.

2.3 Any change to our prices, Service upgrades or migration, charging policy or policy relating to disclosure of your personal information will require your prior written consent in order to become applicable to you.

2.4 Any rights not specifically granted herein are reserved by us.


3.1 By seeking to subscribe to the Service, accessing and/or using the Service you hereby confirm to us that at all such times you:

a) are resident  in the State of Kuwait and it is your main residence;

b) are aged 18 (eighteen) years or over;

c) are of sound mind and capable of taking responsibility for your own actions;

d) can enter into a legally binding agreement (you are not legally barred from doing so for any reason) and you are the person whose details are provided in connection with your subscription to the Service ;

e) are acting on your own behalf (as principal) and not on behalf of anyone else;

f) are the authorised owner of the mobile device which you provided when you completed subscription to the Service ;

g) you are located in a jurisdiction in which subscription and access to and use of the Service  is not unlawful or contrary to any applicable laws or regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure that this is not the case. 

3.2 Persons in breach of this Agreement are not entitled to access or use the Service and could be committing fraud and be subject to criminal prosecution.

3.3 You cannot use the Service unless you have first completed the subscription to the Service (please see details in the section titled “Subscription”).

3.4 You hereby warrant to us that all information provided in your subscription to the Service and all personal data provided to us is complete, true and accurate and not misleading and that you will notify us immediately of any change.

3.5 You undertake to access and/or use the Service for legitimate and personal entertainment purposes only. 

3.6 You undertake to abide by all applicable laws and regulations when using the Service and to be solely responsible for all matters arising from your use of the Service.

3.7 You undertake not to use the Service in any way which might infringe any rights of any third party or give rise to a legal claim against us by any third party;

3.8 You undertake not to damage, interfere with or disrupt access to the Service or do anything that may interrupt or impair its functionality (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).

3.9 You undertake not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access through whatever means to the Service or any part of it (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).


4.1 The Service is not aimed at children. By granting your child permission to use the Service, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreements on behalf of your child. You are responsible for monitoring and supervising your child’s use of the Service. If your child is using the Service and does not have your permission, please contact us immediately (please scroll down to section 11 (Customer Care) of the Agreement to the section titled Customer Service) so that we can disable his or her access.

4.2 The Service can be accessed via the Web App: via

Service Description

Service: Web App

Price: 0.2 kwd/day; weekly: 1 kwd/week; monthly: 3.5 kwd/month (depend?ng on the opt?on chosen and pr?ce po?nt at the t?me of subscr?b?ng)

Payment Period: daily, weekly, monthly

Termination: SMS words “STOP1” TO  1035, via our selfcare portal, or by contacting the Customer Care on +96522054545 or using other details specified in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement.

4.3 To access the Service you must ensure that your mobile device is compatible with the Service and that it is correctly configured for use. For Android devices, please find a list of those which support Flash Player:


5.1 Before you are able to fully access the Service you will be required to subscribe to the Service in one of the following ways:

By clicking on an advertising banner and following the instructions noted on the subsequent pages to: on the button e.g. “SUBSCRIBE NOW” and then the “CONFIRM” button to complete your subscription; or visiting the Web App directly and following the instructions to subscribe to the Service. Once your subscription to the Service is complete you will be able to use and/or access the Web App.

iii.Upon completion of the subscription to the Service, we will confirm by SMS text message to the mobile number which you provided, that you have successfully subscribed to the Service.

5.2 The subscription fee/charges for the Service are always mentioned at the point of purchase i.e. at the commencement of subscription period or on the date of accessing the Service.

5.3 Following subscription to the Service you will be provided with access to the Service as applicable via Can we check/ confirm the customer subscription journey please  for the Web App.

5.4 Transactions made using your registered mobile number are accepted by us on the understanding that you are authorised to register this mobile number and to access and/or use the Service. If your mobile phone is used by anyone other than yourself, we will accept no liability for the consequences or costs incurred from such misuse, or for the loss, theft, and misuse of your User Data (as defined below).

5.5 You agree to be solely responsible at all times for all access and/or use of the Service. You are responsible for keeping all your user identification details e.g. your full name, address (email and/or postal), mobile number/MSISDN (mobile station integrated services digital network number and other personal information (“User Data”) confidential. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Service through your internet connection are aware of this Agreement and are in full compliance with its terms. You also agree to inform us immediately (our contact details are provided in the Customer Service section below) if you believe that your User Data is being misused by a third party so that we may suspend your subscription to the Service.

5.6 We reserve the right to disable any User Data whether chosen by you or allocated by us at any time if in our sole opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement.

5.7 We reserve the right to ask for proof of age documentation and evidence to verify your identity at any time (including any third party, which may keep a record of such information). We reserve the right to conduct checks against any of the details provided to us and to pursue this information through any channels and methods available to us. Failure to provide substantiated proof of age or other requested information will result in the suspension or termination of your subscription to the Service.

5.8 We reserve the right to refuse, suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service immediately and without consulting or notifying you or giving you reasons in the event that you publish, cause the publication of and/or send via the Service any actual or potentially defamatory, offensive or obscene language or material or if you breach, or are suspected of any breach of this Agreement, any applicable law, regulation, code or request of Zain and/or regulators or should we deem it in our and/or other customers best interests to do so. 

5.9 It is your sole responsibility to ensure that at all times you comply with all laws and regulations with respect to the Web App and/or Content made available through the Service in any jurisdiction where you are located or are a resident and that you have a complete and unrestricted legal right to subscribe to the Service, access and/or use the Service in whole or part.

5.10 Use of the Service will be closely monitored to ensure that no customer is using the Service with a frequency or in a manner which might suggest that he or she is using it except solely for personal use or is using it on behalf of others, and we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate the access to the Service if we consider or suspect that the Service is being used in this way. 

5.11 If any of your User Data or other information relevant to your subscription to the Service change you must inform us immediately by contacting us using the contact information provided in the customer service section below.


6.1 You may access the Service after subscription and paying the subscription Fee. The Service is mobile subscription service, which ?s ava?lable w?th the follow?ng payment opt?ons: daily: 0.2 kwd/day; weekly: 1 kwd/week; monthly: 3.5 kwd/month, depend?ng on the opt?on chosen and pr?ce po?nt at the t?me of subscr?b?ng (exact price for future users may vary, depending on the existing campaign at the time of joining) and your subscription will automatically renew on a daily basis until you unsubscribe in one of the following ways: a) by clicking on a link in the footer of Web App and following the instructions to unsubscribe or b) by sending an SMS with the words “STOP1” TO  1035 after subscription or c) by contacting our customer care team using the contact details noted in section 11 below. You will be provided with an exact Fee quote at the point of purchase, as described above.

6.2 Our Service offers you unlimited access to the Content via the Web App while you remain subscribed to the Service. You will pay the price detailed above by charging the purchase to your monthly account or prepaid account provided by Zain. The subscription Fee shall become due at the end of the specific subscription period while you are subscribed to this Service irrespective of whether or not the Web App is actually accessed during any particular subscription period.

6.3 Your contract for the Service is withus. Zain will simply charge the amount directly to your bill or prepaid account. Once this charge has been authorised by you, the amount chargedmust be paid to Zain. You are therefore wholly responsible for checking that you are happy with the price and the Service before making a purchase commitment.

6.4 All prices stated and/or otherwise communicated to you are inclusive of value added tax or similar taxes (“VAT”) (where applicable).

6.5 You can access the Service until you SMS the words “STOP1” TO  1035 at any time to unsubscribe from the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the Customer Service section below.

6.6 If you dispute any payment made, you must contact us immediately and provide full details of your claim, using the Customer Service details stated in section 11 below.

6.7 If you owe any amount under or relating to this Agreement, we may suspend or withdraw the provision of Service to you. You will be able to access the Service for 48 (forty-eight) hours after the first billing attempt fails, after which the Service may be restricted or deactivated.

6.8 If the payment for each day you are subscribed fails, we will attempt to take the payment for a period of 30 (thirty) days, before automatically cancelling your subscription and privileges (an SMS message will be sent to you to confirm this).

6.9 No refunds will apply for early abortive Content or termination of the Service following a payment period.


7.1 In order to access and/or use the Service follow the information shown on your device’s screen to complete Subscription.

7.2 Any use of the Service by you is on an « as is » and an « as available » basis. You agree and accept that the Service is not a fault-free service and is for your own personal use and shall not be used for commercial purposes.

7.3 Your contract with us will be null and void if we discover or suspect that you have in any way interrupted, deviated, tried to manipulate the outcome or tampered with any part of the Service.

7.4 We reserve the right to change the format of the Service, the Web App or the Content that we offer, in whole or in part, in order to enhance them, correct any defects or provided upgrades from time to time. We reserve the right to record all telephone calls made to us and to monitor all information relating to the Service for which purposes you consent in accordance with the laws and regulations of State of Kuwait.


8.1 You must not attempt or encourage the misuse of the Service by introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the server on which the Service is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Service. You must not attack the Service via a denial-of-service attack (“DoS”) or distributed denial-of-service attack (“DDoS”).

8.2 By breaching Clause 9.1 above, you would commit a criminal offence under applicable laws  on combating cyber crimes (as well as any amendments, re-enactments which may be made to such laws from time to time). We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such breach, your right to use the Web App and the Service will cease immediately without notice to you or any liability to us.

8.3 We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the DoS, DDoS, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Service or to your downloading of Content, or other material posted on or via the Service.


9.1 We may from time to time run promotions including free news and/or content which is free to access, award prizes and provide you with marketing or promotional materials if you have completed your subscription to the Service and opted in to receive such information from us.

9.2 The rules of entry or access to any promotions will be displayed on the Service and may sometimes be restricted only to a first-time user. For the purposes of this Agreement, a ‘first time user’ is a customer who has not subscribed to the Service before.


10.1 We will not rent, sell or share your personal details to or with third parties. However, we may pass on your details to relevant authorities or regulators if we and/or they wish to investigate or assist in the investigation of any suspected or alleged fraud or abuse of the Service and/or the Web App or if we are required by law to do so, for example in accordance with the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism laws and other applicable legislation.

10.2 All information received by us from your use of the Service shall be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on the Web App (a link to our Privacy Policy is provided above) and which we encourage you to review as it details how we may process your User Data. By using the Service you consent to us processing your User Data. It is your responsibility to update and maintain the accuracy of that information and we are entitled to rely on any information you provide us with.

10.3 If we have reason to believe that there has been or is likely to be a breach of security or any other misuse of the Service, we may suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service.

10.4 We are not obliged to monitor, detect or report any unauthorised use of the Service and you shall be solely responsible for all use of the Service made by you or anyone else using your User Data, for preventing unauthorised use of your User Data and/or  mobile device and you are liable for all user charges that are incurred as a result of any such unauthorised use. 

10.5 If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorised use of your User Data or mobile device you must notify us immediately by e-mailing us at:


We hope that you are pleased with the Service and that you will never have reason to complain – but if there is something you are not happy with we would like you to tell us about it so that we can try to put matters right.  Should you wish to make a complaint with respect to the Agreement or the Service please contact us by emailing or writing to the postal address as follows:

Customer Service:

Helpline:  +96522054545 (toll free, some network providers may apply their own charges, please refer to them for rates).

Email: A copy of our Complaints Procedure will be sent to upon request by you or in the event that you submit a complaint to us.

Cancellation: you are free to cancel your subscription at any time by following the instructions below:

To unsubscribe send and SMS with the words “STOP1” TO  1035, or by calling the helpline noted above; or you may also contact customer services using the telephone number and email address noted directly above; or you may use the SelfCare website:  to unsubscribe by following the instructions.

Your subscription to the Service can also be terminated anytime by clicking on to the unsubscribe option and following the instructions via the account section of the Webb App portal.


12.1 The following provisions at Clauses 12.1 – 12.8  set out all our liability to you (including any liability for acts and/or omissions of our parent company, subsidiaries, associated companies, employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/ licensors) regarding:

a) any breach of this Agreement including any deliberate personal repudiatory breach or any deliberate breach of these conditions by the Company, or our employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/licensors; andb) any representation, statement or tortuous act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Service.

12.2 Nothing in this Agreement excludes or limits our liability for:

a) death or personal injury caused by our gross negligence; or

b) any matter which it would be illegal for us to limit or exclude or attempt to limit or exclude our liability for; or

c) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

12.3 We are not liable for anything out of our control including but not limited to any loss or damage that you may suffer or incur because of any act of God, power cut; trade or labour dispute, failure or any omission of any government or authority; delay, interruption, obstruction, or failure of telecommunication services; or any other cessation; delay or failure caused by a third party or loss or corruption of data. In such an event, we reserve the right to cancel or suspend the Service indefinitely and without notice or incurring any liability whatsoever.

12.4 All representations, warranties and terms (express or implied) not set out in this Agreement are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and we shall have no liability to you in respect of the same. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless in full and on demand with respect to any liability, damages, costs or claims which we may suffer or incur arising out of or in connection with your use of the Service. 

12.5 Subject to Clause 12.2 above:

a) our total aggregate liability to you in respect of direct loss and damage and other direct liability, whatsoever (howsoever caused), whether in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Service shall be limited to the aggregate total of the subscription charges paid by you in the preceding calendar month to the claim in question;

b) any use of the Service is entirely at your own risk. In no event shall we be liable to you for any special, direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage(s) or liability (including without limitation, loss of profit, data, loss of goodwill, loss of contract or other information) or any claims for consequential compensation, loss, punitive or exemplary damages or damage(s) of any kind whatsoever (howsoever caused); or be subject to equitable or injunctive remedies (whether in contract or tort, including, negligence or strict liability or otherwise), arising out of or in connection with the Service and any supplied Content or offers even if it was reasonably foreseeable and whether or not we have been previously made aware of it.

12.6 We accept no responsibility and shall not be liable to you for the content of or use by you of any information or services offered by third parties’ advertising (including advertising by any referral companies) or otherwise posting information via the Service (whether directly or via links to or from other sites or resources or through framing or other electronic mechanisms), nor can we be said to endorse contents of such advertisements or information. In particular, we shall have no liability in respect of material hyper-linked which may be misleading, inaccurate, defamatory, threatening or obscene or otherwise not in accordance with applicable laws or regulations. The provision by us on the Service of a link to another website or app does not constitute any authorisation to access materials held at that website or the app, your use of those other websites or apps is subject to any terms of use and/or privacy policies on those websites or apps.

12.7 We make no representation or warranty about information or any other item(s) that may be accessed either directly or indirectly via the Service (save to extent expressly provided otherwise in the Service) and we reserve the right to make changes and/or corrections at any time to such information, without notice. We accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions (other than a fraudulent misrepresentation) in or from such information and any decisions based on such information are the sole responsibility of the visitor to the Service.

12.8 Your statutory rights as a consumer (if any) are not affected by this Agreement.


13.1 Ownership: the copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights (“IPRs”) in any Content and/or other material displayed on or via the Service as well as its features, which includes text, data, graphics, photographs, videos, animation, images and audiovisual content is either owned by or licensed to us by our third-party suppliers/licensors (collectively the “Materials”). 

13.2 These IPRs are protected under all applicable copyright and intellectual property laws around the world as well as International treaties. All such rights are reserved. No licence is granted to you in respect of any such rights, except to the extent required for your personal use of the Service in accordance with this Agreement. Any unauthorised distribution of the Materials and/or the IPRs is strictly prohibited and legal action could be taken against any such person who makes unauthorized distribution. Where applicable, each third-party supplier of Materials has the right to assert and enforce the provisions of this Agreement directly on its own behalf as a third-party beneficiary.

13.3 Trademarks: Our goods and/or service marks (which may include a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, shape, signature or any combination of these elements) are and shall remain the exclusive property and trademarks of the Company. You shall not be entitled to reproduce such trademarks and/or associated logos without our express prior written consent on each occasion. 

13.4 Third-Party Trademarks: You do not have the right to use trademarks and/or logos of our third-party suppliers/ licensors such as Zain. Each unauthorized use or infringement of trade marks, logos or distinctive signs can be prosecuted according to the applicable law by the respective parties.

13.5 Copying: Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited and in particular you agree to use the Materials solely for your own personal, non-commercial use and specifically not for any business, commercial or public purpose.

13.6 The following activities are prohibited unless you receive our express prior written permission on each occasion:

a) Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials (except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement).

a)deployment within this Service of any spider, robot web crawler or other automated query program;

b)re-use and/or aggregation of any of the Materials in the provision of a commercial service;

c) transfer of any of the Materials to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial or distribution through peer-to-peer networks or any other file sharing platforms; and

d) public display and/or use of any Materials for any rental or sale purposes.

13.7The copying and use of third party materials accessed via the Service is governed by the terms of use applicable to the third party website or service accessed by you.


You agree that the User Data supplied by you to us may be used by us or our affiliates for the following purposes which shall include but are not limited to: sending you messages related to the Service, monitoring your use of the Service and from time to time evaluating if we can improve our services for customers, unless you text/ SMS words “STOP1” to  1035, by following the instructions via Web App portal, or by calling the customer care helpline +96522054545 to unsubscribe from the Service or use the other avialble options identified in clause 11 above.

Any marketing information or promotional materials will require your prior consent before being directed to you. 

Excluding User Data (which is covered in the Privacy Policy), all other non-personally identifiable information (including but not limited to comments, ideas, suggestions, concepts, data, technical information and graphics) submitted via the Web App will become our exclusive property without obligation of confidentiality and we, at our sole discretion, shall be free to use such information for any purpose without any restriction whatsoever. 


15.1 This Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between you and us to the fullest extent permitted by law with regard to use of the Service.

15.2 The Privacy Policy forms an integral part of this Agreement.

15.3 If any clause or part of a clause of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then any such part will be severed from this Agreement. The remainder of the clause or paragraph which contains the relevant provision shall not be affected and this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

15.4 You may not transfer your rights pursuant to this Agreement to any third party and nothing in this Agreement shall confer or purport to confer on or operate to give any third party any benefit or any right to enforce any term of this Agreement except 

as expressly provided in this Agreement.

15.5 No failure or delay by us to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver there of and no single or partial exercise of any such right shall prevent any other or further exercise of that or any other right by us.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Kuwait. You irrevocably agree that the Courts of the State of Kuwait shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute or claim of whatever nature arising out of or relating to the Service. However, we retain the right to bring legal proceedings in any jurisdiction where we believe that infringement of our IPRs or breach of this Agreement is taking place or originating. You are solely responsible for compliance with any applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the Service.

Update: last update September 2023


L’accès aux contenus du Service est proposé dans le cadre de la souscription d’un abonnement quotidien, hebdomadaire ou mensuel tacitement reconductible sans engagement de durée.

Conditions tarifaires (Tarifs hors coût de connexion wap):

Prélèvement sur la facture de l’opérateur de télécommunications de l’Utilisateur. Une offre tarifaire est proposée selon le canal de souscription : à savoir une offre facturée 0,5 dinars tunisiens (TND) pour un (1) jour renouvelable, dont le premier jour de souscription est gratuit; une offre facturée 2 dinars tunisiens (TND) pour une (1) semaine renouvelable, dont les 3 premiers jours sont gratuits ; une offre facturée 7 dinars tunisiens (TND) pour un (1) mois renouvelable, dont les 7 premiers jours sont gratuits.

Il est précisé que les abonnés de la base Mondia bénéficient uniquement d’une offre tarifaire facturée à 0,15 dinars tunisiens (TND) pour un (1) jour renouvelable.

Désabonnement :

Rendez-vous sur votre espace membre, rubrique « Mon compte » directement depuis ce site afin de gérer votre abonnement ou en suivant le lien

Vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment du Service en suivant les instructions ci-dessous :

  • Envoyer STOP L1 au 85010 pour annuler l’abonnement journalier ;
  • Envoyer STOP L2 au 85010 pour annuler l’abonnement hebdomadaire ;
  • Envoyer STOP L3 au 85010 pour annuler l’abonnement mensuel.

Dans le cas où cette procédure ne répondrait pas à votre cas particulier, nous vous invitons à vous reporter aux modalités de votre Opérateur Mobile ou de votre Fournisseur d’Accès à Internet et/ou à contacter notre Service Client via mail à l’adresse suivante :



v. juin 2023

Le Site est édité par MOBILE PASS (ci-après dénommée « MOBILE PASS ») dont les coordonnées apparaissent dans le menu « Infos Editeur et Service Client ».

L’accès aux services proposés sur le site  accessible sur l’Internet mobile (ci-après dénommé le « Site ») emporte acceptation sans réserve des présentes dispositions (ci-après dénommées les « CG »).

L’intégralité des engagements de MOBILE PASS en termes de protection des données personnes, des droits dont vous disposez à ce titre et des conditions dans lesquelles vos données personnes sont collectées, traitées, conservées et archivées sont disponible sur le Site.

Les CG sont établies en français et disponibles en ligne depuis le Site. MOBILE PASS se réserve le droit de modifier ses CG.

Article 1 – Objet  

Les CG déterminent les conditions dans lesquelles les Services présentés sur le Site sont proposés à tout Utilisateur. Le Service proposé sur le Site donne accès aux Utilisateurs à un catalogue de contenus pour terminaux mobiles et fixes (ci-après dénommés les « Contenus») accessibles de manière illimitée en achat (sous réserve de sa compatibilité avec les Contenus) dans le cadre d’un abonnement quotidien, hebdomadaire  ou mensuel reconduit tacitement dans les conditions définies à l’article 3 des présentes CG.

Article 2 – Caractéristiques essentielles et accès au Service 

Le Service proposé par la Société sur le Site est accessible dans le cadre d’un abonnement conclu pour des périodes quotidiennes, hebdomadaires ou le cas échéant pour des périodes mensuelles et est reconductible tacitement par période subséquente d’un jour, d’une semaine ou selon le cas par période subséquente d’un mois jusqu’à résiliation par l’Utilisateur dans les conditions mentionnées à l’article « Durée et résiliation » des présentes.

MOBILE PASS peut mettre à jour à sa seule discrétion la composition en nombre et en nature des Contenus proposés dans le cadre du Service.

L’Utilisateur qui souhaite souscrire au Service doit soit cliquer sur une bannière de publicité afin d’être redirigé vers une page de vente ; soit se rendre sur le Site et cliquer sur le Contenu qu’il souhaite visionner.

Selon les cas, soit il sera redirigé vers la page de paiement de son Opérateur ; soit il lui sera demandé de choisir son Opérateur.

Dans le cas où l’Utilisateur est connecté en 3G, il est redirigé directement sur la page de vente sans avoir à renseigner son numéro de téléphone, celui-ci ayant été reconnu automatiquement par son Opérateur. Il doit alors valider son abonnement en cliquant sur « S’abonner » puis « confirmer » ou tout terme équivalent. Il reçoit alors un premier SMS envoyé par son Opérateur lui confirmant son abonnement et un deuxième SMS envoyé par MOBILE PASS lui indiquant son identifiant et son mot de passe.

Dans le cas où l’Utilisateur n’est pas reconnu par son Opérateur conformément aux parcours mentionnés ci-dessus, il doit alors suivre les instructions mentionnées sur le Site et/ou sur la Landing Page et renseigner son numéro de téléphone. Il doit alors valider son abonnement en cliquant sur « s’abonner » ou tout terme équivalent. Il reçoit un code de confirmation par SMS, qu’il communiquera sur la page de vente pour valider l’abonnement. Il reçoit alors un premier SMS envoyé par son Opérateur lui confirmant son abonnement et un deuxième SMS envoyé par MOBILE PASS lui indiquant son identifiant et son mot de passe.

Dans le cas où l’Utilisateur n’est pas reconnu sur les solutions ci-dessus présentées, il doit alors suivre les instructions mentionnées sur le Site et/ou la Landing Page.

Une fois sa demande d’abonnement confirmée, l’Utilisateur aura directement accès aux Contenus via son compte et pourra télécharger/visualiser les Contenus selon le type de Contenus concernés par l’offre souscrite.

Dans le cas où l’Utilisateur est un ancien Utilisateur de la base Mondia, il bénéfice automatiquement du Service, sans devoir cliquer sur une bannière de publicité.

La livraison des Contenus s’effectue par voie électronique via le réseau Internet ou sur les réseaux des Opérateurs de télécommunications.

En cas de défaut de réception, MOBILE PASS ne pourra en aucun cas être tenue pour responsable si ces conditions n’ont pas été respectées, celle-ci ne maîtrisant par ailleurs, ni le réseau Internet, ni l’installation informatique et téléphonique de l’Utilisateur. Il appartient à l’Utilisateur de vérifier le Contenu à la réception.

L’accès et l’utilisation du Service nécessite le recours à des équipements, tels que notamment ordinateur ou terminal mobile, moyens de communications (tels qu’un accès à Internet), logiciels. Ces équipements sont à la charge exclusive des Utilisateurs, de même que les frais de communication induits par leur utilisation.

Toute utilisation du Service par l’Utilisateur depuis son lieu de travail au moyen d’un terminal professionnel doit être faite avec l’autorisation de son employeur ou de son supérieur hiérarchique.

L’Utilisateur doit être d’âge légal pour accéder au Service. MOBILE PASS ne saurait être tenue responsable de l’utilisation du Service effectuée par les Utilisateurs ayant enfreint cette règle. En conséquence, les mineurs doivent obtenir l’autorisation de leurs parents (ou des personnes détenant l’autorité parentale sur le mineur), avant de télécharger ou commander les Contenus présentés sur ce Site.

Article 3 – Prix et modalités de paiement des Services dans le cadre de la souscription d’un Abonnement

3.1. Les prix

L’accès aux Services suppose que l’Utilisateur ait souscrit un abonnement facturé via la facture opérateur.

Les tarifs applicables au Service sont présentés sur le Site et sont accessibles dans le menu « Infos service / Infos Conditions Tarifaires ». Ils sont exprimés toutes taxes comprises (TTC). Tout changement du taux légal de TVA applicable sera automatiquement répercuté sur le prix du Service à la date prévue par la réglementation.

Le tarif indiqué ne comprend pas l’éventuel surcoût lié à la connexion au WAP, facturé par l’Opérateur.

3.2. Les moyens de paiement

Le règlement de l’Abonnement est effectué par prélèvement sur la facture de l’opérateur de télécommunications de l’Utilisateur.

Pour en savoir plus ou pour se désabonner, l’Utilisateur est invité à se reporter aux dispositions relatives à ce sujet à partir du menu « Infos Conditions Tarifaires » ou « Désabonnement » figurant dans le menu « Infos service ».

3.3 Preuve des transactions

Les enregistrements électroniques conservés par MOBILE PASS constitueront des preuves valides relatives à l’existence (i) des communications intervenues entre les Parties, (ii) de l’acceptation des CG et (iii) de toute utilisation des Services dans le cadre d’un Abonnement effectuée sur ou via le Site. De même, les données enregistrées par le système de paiement utilisé et choisi par l’Utilisateur (établissement bancaire ou de paiement ou autre), constituent la preuve de l’ensemble des transactions financières intervenues entre l’Utilisateur, MOBILE PASS et l’établissement concerné.

3.4. Délai de rétraction

Conformément à l’article L.221-18 du Code de la Consommation, nous informons le Client l’Utilisateur qu’il dispose d’un délai de quatorze (14) jours francs à compter de l’acceptation et de la souscription au Service pour exercer son droit de rétractation sans avoir à justifier de motifs ni à payer de pénalités, à l’exception, le cas échéant, des frais de retour.

Le délai de quatorze (14) jours court à compter du jour de la conclusion du contrat.

Pour exercer son droit de rétractation, l’Utilisateur doit nous notifier sa décision au moyen d’une déclaration dénuée d’ambiguïté à nous adresser au plus tôt par :

• courrier électronique :

Ou par

• courrier à envoyer à l’adresse suivante (ne nécessite pas d’oblitération) :

Service Client Libre Réponse 94119 – 13629 Aix en Provence cedex 1

L’Utilisateur doit préciser dans sa demande les éléments suivants afin d’en permettre le traitement:

– les coordonnées complètes (nom, prénom, adresse postale, email) de l’Utilisateur;

– le nom du service concerné ;

– l’objet de la demande ;

– le numéro de téléphone et/ou l’adresse email de l’Utilisateur tel que renseigné au moment de la souscription ;

– le mode de paiement utilisé ;

– en cas de facturation par Internet+ Mobile, le numéro de téléphone mobile ;

– un relevé d’identité bancaire.

Un accusé réception lui est envoyé par email lorsque nous prenons connaissance de sa demande de rétractation.

En cas de rétractation de la part de l’Utilisateur du présent contrat, nous rembourserons tous les paiements reçus de sa part au plus tard quatorze jours à compter du jour où la Société est informée de sa décision de rétractation du présent contrat.

Article 4 – Utilisation des Services

Les Services sont disponibles en Allemagne. Dans le cadre de l’utilisation des Services, l’Utilisateur s’engage à respecter les droits des tiers, à se conformer aux stipulations des CG et aux lois en vigueur. L’Utilisateur s’engage notamment :

  • à fournir des informations véridiques, exactes, à jour et complètes le concernant ;
  • à ne pas utiliser les Services à des fins professionnelles ou commerciales ou non privées ;
  • ne contrevenir à aucune règle civile ou pénale ;
  • ne pas diffuser des informations ou contenus ayant pour effet d’entrainer un mauvais fonctionnement des Services, tels que logiciels, virus, bombes logiques, etc.

La responsabilité de MOBILE PASS ne pourra être mise en cause si un Utilisateur ne respecte pas les CG. Le non-respect de l’une des obligations mentionnées ci-dessus constitue un manquement au titre duquel MOBILE PASS pourra résilier le contrat. En tout état de cause, l’Utilisateur garantira MOBILE PASS contre et l’indemnisera de, toute réclamation ou tout recours de tiers consécutif à une violation par l’Utilisateur de ses obligations en vertu du présent contrat et, en particulier, des déclarations ci-dessus.

Article 5 – Responsabilité de MOBILE PASS

5.1 Utilisation du Site

Dans le cadre de la fourniture du Service, MOBILE PASS est soumise à une obligation de moyens. MOBILE PASS ne donne aucune garantie, explicite ou implicite, et n’assume aucune responsabilité relative à l’utilisation du Site.

Le Site peut contenir des images et des liens vers des sites Web gérés par des tiers (« Sites Tiers »). MOBILE PASS n’exerce aucun contrôle sur les Sites Tiers et n’assume aucune responsabilité quant à leur contenu, ni notamment quant au contenu des liens présentés dans les Sites Tiers, ou encore aux modifications ou mises à jour apportées à un Site Tiers. MOBILE PASS n’est pas responsable de la diffusion sur le Web ni de toute autre forme de transmission reçue à partir d’un Site Tiers, ni même du mauvais fonctionnement de(s) Site(s) Tiers(s). Ces liens ne sont proposés par MOBILE PASS qu’à des fins de commodité, et l’insertion de tout lien ne signifie pas que MOBILE PASS approuve le contenu de ces sites ni n’implique aucune association entre MOBILE PASS et les exploitants desdits sites. Il appartient aux Utilisateurs de consulter toute charte relative à la protection de la vie privée affichée sur les Sites Tiers, ainsi qu’à leurs conditions d’utilisation, et de s’y conformer.

5.2 Utilisation des Services

MOBILE PASS ne peut être tenue pour responsable en cas de fait de, ou relevant de, l’Utilisateur, de fait résultant d’un tiers ou de force majeure. Sont considérés notamment comme cas de force majeure, les intempéries exceptionnelles, les catastrophes naturelles, les incendies, les inondations, la foudre, les surtensions électroniques, les attentats, les grèves, les défaillances des opérateurs de réseaux et de paiement, les virus informatiques, et tout évènement de force majeure ou cas fortuit au sens de l’article 1148 du code civil.

MOBILE PASS met en œuvre les moyens nécessaires à la fourniture de son Service. Elle ne peut être tenue pour responsable de tout problème technique indépendant de son Service, des problèmes de communications électroniques dus au fournisseur d’accès internet de l’Utilisateur, de l’opérateur mobile et du terminal ou de l’ordinateur de l’Utilisateur, de toute raison technique, telle que maintenance curative ou préventive, interruption ou dégradation des réseaux, ou affectant la disponibilité du Service. Par ailleurs, la responsabilité de MOBILE PASS ne saurait en aucun cas être invoquée dans les cas où des mises à jour seraient nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du Site, en cas de retards dans l’envoi et/ou la réception des messages échangés entre Utilisateurs dans le cadre des Services. MOBILE PASS se réserve le droit de suspendre temporairement l’accès aux Services pour des travaux d’entretien et de réparation du Site.

5.3 Informations et contenus fournis par les Utilisateurs

Les conséquences de la divulgation des informations et contenus fournis par l’Utilisateur sont de la responsabilité exclusive de l’Utilisateur concerné. En outre, il renonce à tout recours à l’encontre de MOBILE PASS, notamment sur le fondement de l’atteinte éventuelle à son droit à l’image, à son honneur, à sa réputation, à l’intimité de sa vie privée, résultant de la diffusion ou de la divulgation d’informations le concernant dans les conditions prévues par les présentes, notamment par l’article « Droit d’accès et protection des données personnelles », dans la mesure où l’Utilisateur a préalablement, librement et explicitement consenti à une telle divulgation du fait de son inscription au Service et en application des présentes Condition d’Utilisation.

MOBILE PASS ne peut être tenue pour responsable de (et des conséquences de) l’exactitude ou de l’inexactitude des informations et contenus fournis par les Utilisateurs.

Article 6 – Durée et Résiliation

Les CG sont conclues pour une durée indéterminée qui débute au jour de la souscription de son Abonnement par l’Utilisateur sur le Site. Elles peuvent être dénoncées par l’Utilisateur à tout moment selon les modalités visées aux alinéas suivants du présent article.

L’Utilisateur qui souhaite se désabonner est invité à se reporter aux dispositions relatives à ce sujet à partir du menu « Infos Conditions Tarifaires » ou « Désabonnement » figurant dans le menu « Infos Service ».

Article 7 – Droit de propriété intellectuelle 

Les marques, figuratives ou non (ci-après ensemble « les marques ») visualisées sur ce Site ou dans toute newsletter sont des marques, enregistrées ou non, appartenant à MOBILE PASS et à des tiers. La mention des marques, sur ce Site ne constitue en aucune manière de façon implicite ou explicite, une concession de droit d’utilisation, une licence ou une autorisation quelconque relative auxdites marques sans un accord écrit de MOBILE PASS ou du tiers concerné. Toute utilisation, non autorisée explicitement par les titulaires, des marques citées sur le Site et dans son contenu, autre que celle consentie au titre des présentes, est strictement interdite.

Par ailleurs, l’Utilisateur reconnaît que le Service (y compris notamment l’interface utilisateur, le contenu éditorial ainsi que les scripts et logiciels utilisés pour mettre en œuvre le Service) contient des informations et des éléments protégés appartenant à MOBILE PASS et/ou à ses concédants et qui sont protégés par les lois relatives à la propriété intellectuelle, y compris notamment le droit d’auteur. De même, et de manière plus générale, tous contenus, tels que les logos, les graphismes, les photographies, les animations, les textes contenus sur le Site et dans les Services (tels que les Contenus) sont la propriété intellectuelle de MOBILE PASS ou de ses partenaires et ne peuvent être reproduits, utilisés ou représentés sans l’autorisation expresse de MOBILE PASS ou de ses partenaires, sous peine de poursuites judiciaires.

Les droits d’utilisation concédés par MOBILE PASS à l’Utilisateur sont réservés à un usage privé et personnel dans le cadre et pour la durée de son utilisation des Services. Toute autre utilisation par l’Utilisateur est interdite sans l’autorisation de MOBILE PASS.

L’Utilisateur s’interdit notamment de modifier, copier, reproduire, télécharger, diffuser, transmettre, exploiter commercialement et/ou distribuer de quelque façon que ce soit les Services, les pages du Site, ou les codes informatiques des éléments composant les Services et le Site.

Article 8 – Cookies   

L’Utilisateur est invité à se reporter à la politique cookies accessible sur le Site.

Article 9 – Réclamations

Toute réclamation adressée par l’Utilisateur à MOBILE PASS ne pourra porter que sur les 12 (douze) mois précédant la date de réception de ladite réclamation. Elle devra être formulée par écrit et envoyée soit par courrier postal à l’adresse Service client – Libre Réponse 94119 – 13 629 Aix en Provence 1 – France (l’envoi du courrier ne nécessite pas une oblitération) ou soit par email à : MOBILE PASS ne sera pas tenue de prendre en compte les demandes qui lui seraient adressées par d’autres voies. Pour être recevable, toute demande devra comporter à minima les éléments suivants :

– les coordonnées complètes (nom, prénom, adresse postale, email) de l’Utilisateur ;

– le nom du service concerné ;

– l’objet de la demande ;

– le numéro de téléphone de l’Utilisateur tel que renseigné au moment de la souscription ;

– le mode de paiement utilisé ;

– une copie de la facture détaillée de l’opérateur de paiement ;

– un relevé d’identité bancaire.

Article 10  Convention entre les Parties

Les CG constituent un contrat régissant les relations entre MOBILE PASS et l’Utilisateur. Elles annulent et remplacent toutes les dispositions antérieures et expriment l’intégralité des droits et obligations de l’Utilisateur et de MOBILE PASS dans le cadre des présentes.

Le fait pour l’une des parties de ne pas se prévaloir d’un manquement par l’autre partie à l’une quelconque des obligations visées dans les présentes ne saurait être interprété pour l’avenir comme une renonciation à l’obligation en cause.

Si une ou plusieurs stipulations des CG sont tenues pour non valides ou déclarées telles en application d’une loi, d’un règlement ou à la suite d’une décision définitive d’une juridiction compétente, les autres stipulations garderont toute leur force et leur portée.

Article 11 – Litiges

Les présentes CG sont soumises au droit français.

En cas de litige (pour lesquels seules les juridictions françaises seront compétentes), l’Utilisateur s’adressera par priorité à MOBILE PASS pour obtenir une solution amiable.

Conformément aux dispositions du Code de la consommation concernant « le processus de médiation des litiges de la consommation », l’Utilisateur a le droit de recourir gratuitement au service de médiation proposé par MOBILE PASS. Le médiateur « droit de la consommation » ainsi proposé est SAS MEDIATION SOLUTION.

Après démarche préalable écrite des Utilisateurs auprès de MOBILE PASS, ce dispositif de médiation peut être joint pour tout litige de consommation dont le règlement n’aurait pas abouti par :

–          le site :

–          voie électronique :

–          ou par voie postale : MEDIATION SOLUTION – 222, chemin de la bergerie 01800 SAINT JEAN DE NIOST

En cas de contestation relative à l’interprétation, l’exécution et/ou la validité des présentes CG et à défaut de règlement à l’amiable, les règles de compétence légales s’appliquent.  

Article 12

Les parties conviennent que leurs relations seront régies exclusivement par les présentes CGV.

Annexe I : Formulaire de rétractation

(Veuillez compléter et renvoyer le présent formulaire uniquement si vous souhaitez vous rétracter du contrat)

— À l’attention de MOBILE PASS – 350 rue Denis Papin – Parc de la Duranne – Domaine du Tourillon – 13100 Aix-en-Provence – N° de télécopie : 01 82 50 50 01, N° de téléphone et adresse email tels que précisés dans les Mentions légales du Site :

— Je/Nous (*) vous notifie/notifions (*) par la présente ma/notre (*) rétractation du contrat portant sur la vente du bien (*)/pour la prestation de service (*) ci-dessous

— Commandé le (*)/reçu le (*)

— le nom du service concerné

— Nom et prénom de l’Utilisateur

— Adresse postale et courriel de l’Utilisateur

— le numéro de téléphone et/ou l’adresse email de l’Utilisateur tel que renseigné au moment de la souscription

— le mode de paiement utilisé

— Signature de l’Utilisateur (uniquement en cas de notification du présent formulaire sur papier à adresser à l’adresse suivante : Service Client Libre Réponse 94119 – 13629 Aix en Provence cedex 1 (ne nécessite pas d’oblitération)

— Date

(*) Rayez la mention inutile.


Ce site est édité par MOBILE PASS (MP)

Siege social : 350 rue Denis Papin – Parc de la Duranne – Domaine du Tourillon – 13100 Aix-en-Provence– France (Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS), au capital de 1 203 258,00 euros, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Aix-en-Provence sous le n°390 944 429)

N° TVA intracommunautaire FR 91 390 944 429

Directeur de la publication : M. BRICHE, Président


Email :

Courrier (ne nécessitant pas d’oblitération) : Service Client Libre Réponse 94119 – 13629 Aix en Provence cedex 1 – France

Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL
38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg

Numéro de téléphone: 00352 2789 0057


Legal notice

Publisher : this site is published by Mobile Content Factory

Registered office: 350 rue denis papin – parc de la duranne – domaine du tourillon – 13100 aix-en-provence – france (société par actions simplifiée (sas), with a capital of 1,203,258.00 euros, registered with the aix-en-provence trade and companies register under number 390 944 429)

Intra-community vat number fr 91 390 944 429

Director of publication: M. BRICHE, president

Customer service

Customer service department phone number : +96264296323

Email address:

website :,

Post : (not requiring cancellation): Mobile Content Factory– service client libre réponse 76925 – 13629 aix en provence 1 – france 


Amazon web services emea sarl38 avenue john f. kennedy, l-1855 luxembourg phone number: 00352 2789 0057



Please read these terms and conditions and our privacy policy carefully found at: (the “Agreement”). The Agreement and the Privacy Policy, available to view at are jointly referred to as (the “Agreements”). We strongly recommend you print them out and read them in their entirety or alternatively a hard copy is available on written request to us using the Customer Service contact details specified below at the end of this Agreement.  

The Agreements are legally binding and set out the terms and conditions upon which you may access and use the service via our web application:  (the “Web App”). The Agreement also explains how we may use your personal information, but our Privacy Policy will provide you with more information. By accessing this Web App you agree to be bound by this Agreement.

We recommend that you check this Agreement on each visit to this Web App. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, you may not access or use the Web App and/or the Service (as defined below) and should exit immediately. 

You represent and warrant that you possess the legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement and to use this Service (as defined below) in accordance with all terms and conditions herein. You promise to us you are old enough to enter legally binding contracts and you know you will be responsible for all payments due to us for the Service (as defined below), whether it is used by you or another person using your personal information. 

If you do not agree with any terms and conditions of this Agreement, then you should cease using this Web App and exit immediately. Please note that in some jurisdictions there are obligatory provisions in the consumer legislation that may be relevant to Service (as defined below) provided under this Agreement.



Mobile Content Factory, a company registered in United Arab Emirates and having its registered office located at 410 DMC – Bldg 01 – Dubai Media City – Dubai – UAE (“Company”). The Company provides the LaLiga Xtra service, which is dedicated to the LaLiga championship and includes multimedia content such as videos, news, and pictures as well as live results, fixtures and statistics (the “Content”) for a flat daily subscription fee on your supported mobile device accessed via the Web App (the “Service”). The Service is sponsored by Jordan mobile telephone services company, a company incorporated and registered in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with company number: 63, whose registered office address is at 421, king Abuallah second street – Amman, Jordan (hereinafter “Zain”).


Please call our helpline noted in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement without hesitation should you have any questions regarding any aspect of our Service.

In this Agreement references to “we”, “us”, “our” and any similar expression shall include the Company and any of its affiliates. This Agreement is to be entered into between the customer “you” and the Company.


2.1 By agreeing to this Agreement and/or by continuing to use the Service you are bound by the entirety of this Agreement as well as any rules governing the Web App or any Content provided to you on or via the Service. If there are any inconsistencies between any rules on the Web App and this Agreement then the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

2.2 Subject to Clause 2.3 below, we reserve the right to make any amendments to the Agreements. We encourage you to review the Agreement available on our Web App:, which is updated periodically. Your continued use of the Service will be deemed to be your acceptance of any changes to the Agreements (as applicable). If the modified Agreements are not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the customer service section below.

2.3 Any change to our prices, Service upgrades or migration, charging policy or policy relating to disclosure of your personal information will require your prior written consent in order to become applicable to you.

2.4 Any rights not specifically granted herein are reserved by us.


3.1 By seeking to subscribe to the Service, accessing and/or using the Service you hereby confirm to us that at all such times you:

a) are resident  in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and it is your main residence;

b) are aged 18 (eighteen) years or over;

c) are of sound mind and capable of taking responsibility for your own actions;

d) can enter into a legally binding agreement (you are not legally barred from doing so for any reason) and you are the person whose details are provided in connection with your subscription to the Service ;

e) are acting on your own behalf (as principal) and not on behalf of anyone else;

f) are the authorised owner of the mobile device which you provided when you completed subscription to the Service ;

g) you are located in a jurisdiction in which subscription and access to and use of the Service  is not unlawful or contrary to any applicable laws or regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure that this is not the case. 

3.2 Persons in breach of this Agreement are not entitled to access or use the Service and could be committing fraud and be subject to criminal prosecution.

3.3 You cannot use the Service unless you have first completed the subscription to the Service (please see details in the section titled “Subscription”).

3.4 You hereby warrant to us that all information provided in your subscription to the Service and all personal data provided to us is complete, true and accurate and not misleading and that you will notify us immediately of any change.

3.5 You undertake to access and/or use the Service for legitimate and personal entertainment purposes only. 

3.6 You undertake to abide by all applicable laws and regulations when using the Service and to be solely responsible for all matters arising from your use of the Service.

3.7 You undertake not to use the Service in any way which might infringe any rights of any third party or give rise to a legal claim against us by any third party;

3.8 You undertake not to damage, interfere with or disrupt access to the Service or do anything that may interrupt or impair its functionality (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).

3.9 You undertake not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access through whatever means to the Service or any part of it (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).


4.1 The Service is not aimed at children. By granting your child permission to use the Service, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreements on behalf of your child. You are responsible for monitoring and supervising your child’s use of the Service. If your child is using the Service and does not have your permission, please contact us immediately (please scroll down to section 11 (Customer Care) of the Agreement to the section titled Customer Service) so that we can disable his or her access.

4.2 The Service can be accessed via the Web App: via   

Service Description

Service: Web App


Payment Period: Per day

Termination: SMS words “UNSUB LALIGA” TO  90901, via our selfcare portal, or by contacting the Customer Care on +96264296323 or using other details specified in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement.

4.3 To access the Service you must ensure that your mobile device is compatible with the Service and that it is correctly configured for use. For Android devices, please find a list of those which support Flash Player:


5.1 Before you are able to fully access the Service you will be required to subscribe to the Service in one of the following ways:

By clicking on an advertising banner and following the instructions noted on the subsequent pages to: on the button e.g. “SUBSCRIBE NOW” and then the “CONFIRM” button to complete your subscription; or visiting the Web App directly and following the instructions to subscribe to the Service. Once your subscription to the Service is complete you will be able to use and/or access the Web App.

iii.Upon completion of the subscription to the Service, we will confirm by SMS text message to the mobile number which you provided, that you have successfully subscribed to the Service.

5.2 The subscription fee/charges for the Service are always mentioned at the point of purchase i.e. at the commencement of subscription period or on the date of accessing the Service.

5.3 Following subscription to the Service you will be provided with access to the Service as applicable via  for the Web App.

5.4 Transactions made using your registered mobile number are accepted by us on the understanding that you are authorised to register this mobile number and to access and/or use the Service. If your mobile phone is used by anyone other than yourself, we will accept no liability for the consequences or costs incurred from such misuse, or for the loss, theft, and misuse of your User Data (as defined below).

5.5 You agree to be solely responsible at all times for all access and/or use of the Service. You are responsible for keeping all your user identification details e.g. your full name, address (email and/or postal), mobile number/MSISDN (mobile station integrated services digital network number and other personal information (“User Data”) confidential. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Service through your internet connection are aware of this Agreement and are in full compliance with its terms. You also agree to inform us immediately (our contact details are provided in the Customer Service section below) if you believe that your User Data is being misused by a third party so that we may suspend your subscription to the Service.

5.6 We reserve the right to disable any User Data whether chosen by you or allocated by us at any time if in our sole opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement.

5.7 We reserve the right to ask for proof of age documentation and evidence to verify your identity at any time (including any third party, which may keep a record of such information). We reserve the right to conduct checks against any of the details provided to us and to pursue this information through any channels and methods available to us. Failure to provide substantiated proof of age or other requested information will result in the suspension or termination of your subscription to the Service.

5.8 We reserve the right to refuse, suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service immediately and without consulting or notifying you or giving you reasons in the event that you publish, cause the publication of and/or send via the Service any actual or potentially defamatory, offensive or obscene language or material or if you breach, or are suspected of any breach of this Agreement, any applicable law, regulation, code or request of Zain and/or regulators or should we deem it in our and/or other customers best interests to do so. 

5.9 It is your sole responsibility to ensure that at all times you comply with all laws and regulations with respect to the Web App and/or Content made available through the Service in any jurisdiction where you are located or are a resident and that you have a complete and unrestricted legal right to subscribe to the Service, access and/or use the Service in whole or part.

5.10 Use of the Service will be closely monitored to ensure that no customer is using the Service with a frequency or in a manner which might suggest that he or she is using it except solely for personal use or is using it on behalf of others, and we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate the access to the Service if we consider or suspect that the Service is being used in this way. 

5.11 If any of your User Data or other information relevant to your subscription to the Service change you must inform us immediately by contacting us using the contact information provided in the customer service section below.


6.1 You may access the Service after subscription and paying the subscription Fee. The Service is mobile subscription service costing 0,25 JOD PER DAY, DEPENDING ON THE PRICE POINT AT THE TIME OF SUBSCRIBING (exact price for future users may vary, depending on the existing campaign at the time of joining) and your subscription will automatically renew on a daily basis until you unsubscribe in one of the following ways: a) by clicking on a link in the footer of Web App and following the instructions to unsubscribe or b) by sending an SMS with the words “UNSUB LALIGA” TO  90901 after subscription or c) by contacting our customer care team using the contact details noted in section 11 below. You will be provided with an exact Fee quote at the point of purchase, as described above.

6.2 Our Service offers you unlimited access to the Content via the Web App while you remain subscribed to the Service. You will pay the price detailed above by charging the purchase to your monthly account or prepaid account provided by Zain. The subscription Fee shall become due at the end of the specific subscription period while you are subscribed to this Service irrespective of whether or not the Web App is actually accessed during any particular subscription period.

6.3 Your contract for the Service is withus. Zain will simply charge the amount directly to your bill or prepaid account. Once this charge has been authorised by you, the amount chargedmust be paid to Zain. You are therefore wholly responsible for checking that you are happy with the price and the Service before making a purchase commitment.

6.4 All prices stated and/or otherwise communicated to you are inclusive of value added tax or similar taxes (“VAT”) (where applicable).

6.5 You can access the Service until you SMS the words “UNSUB LALIGA” TO  90901 at any time to unsubscribe from the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the Customer Service section below.

6.6 If you dispute any payment made, you must contact us immediately and provide full details of your claim, using the Customer Service details stated in section 11 below.

6.7 If you owe any amount under or relating to this Agreement, we may suspend or withdraw the provision of Service to you. You will be able to access the Service for 48 (forty-eight) hours after the first billing attempt fails, after which the Service may be restricted or deactivated.

6.8 If the payment for each day you are subscribed fails, we will attempt to take the payment for a period of 30 (thirty) days, before automatically cancelling your subscription and privileges (an SMS message will be sent to you to confirm this).

6.9 No refunds will apply for early abortive Content or termination of the Service following a payment period.


7.1 In order to access and/or use the Service follow the information shown on your device’s screen to complete Subscription.

7.2 Any use of the Service by you is on an « as is » and an « as available » basis. You agree and accept that the Service is not a fault-free service and is for your own personal use and shall not be used for commercial purposes.

7.3 Your contract with us will be null and void if we discover or suspect that you have in any way interrupted, deviated, tried to manipulate the outcome or tampered with any part of the Service.

7.4 We reserve the right to change the format of the Service, the Web App or the Content that we offer, in whole or in part, in order to enhance them, correct any defects or provided upgrades from time to time. We reserve the right to record all telephone calls made to us and to monitor all information relating to the Service for which purposes you consent in accordance with the laws and regulations of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


8.1 You must not attempt or encourage the misuse of the Service by introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the server on which the Service is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Service. You must not attack the Service via a denial-of-service attack (“DoS”) or distributed denial-of-service attack (“DDoS”).

8.2 By breaching Clause 9.1 above, you would commit a criminal offence under applicable laws  on combating cyber crimes (as well as any amendments, re-enactments which may be made to such laws from time to time). We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such breach, your right to use the Web App and the Service will cease immediately without notice to you or any liability to us.

8.3 We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the DoS, DDoS, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Service or to your downloading of Content, or other material posted on or via the Service.


9.1 We may from time to time run promotions including free news and/or content which is free to access, award prizes and provide you with marketing or promotional materials if you have completed your subscription to the Service and opted in to receive such information from us.

9.2 The rules of entry or access to any promotions will be displayed on the Service and may sometimes be restricted only to a first-time user. For the purposes of this Agreement, a ‘first time user’ is a customer who has not subscribed to the Service before.


10.1 We will not rent, sell or share your personal details to or with third parties. However, we may pass on your details to relevant authorities or regulators if we and/or they wish to investigate or assist in the investigation of any suspected or alleged fraud or abuse of the Service and/or the Web App or if we are required by law to do so, for example in accordance with the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism laws and other applicable legislation.

10.2 All information received by us from your use of the Service shall be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on the Web App (a link to our Privacy Policy is provided above) and which we encourage you to review as it details how we may process your User Data. By using the Service you consent to us processing your User Data. It is your responsibility to update and maintain the accuracy of that information and we are entitled to rely on any information you provide us with.

10.3 If we have reason to believe that there has been or is likely to be a breach of security or any other misuse of the Service, we may suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service.

10.4 We are not obliged to monitor, detect or report any unauthorised use of the Service and you shall be solely responsible for all use of the Service made by you or anyone else using your User Data, for preventing unauthorised use of your User Data and/or  mobile device and you are liable for all user charges that are incurred as a result of any such unauthorised use. 

10.5 If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorised use of your User Data or mobile device you must notify us immediately by e-mailing us at:


We hope that you are pleased with the Service and that you will never have reason to complain – but if there is something you are not happy with we would like you to tell us about it so that we can try to put matters right.  Should you wish to make a complaint with respect to the Agreement or the Service please contact us by emailing or writing to the postal address as follows:

Customer Service:

Helpline:  +96264296323 (toll free, some network providers may apply their own charges, please refer to them for rates).

Email: A copy of our Complaints Procedure will be sent to upon request by you or in the event that you submit a complaint to us.

Cancellation: you are free to cancel your subscription at any time by following the instructions below:

To unsubscribe send and SMS with the words “UNSUB LALIGA” TO  90901, or by calling the helpline noted above; or you may also contact customer services using the telephone number and email address noted directly above; or you may use the SelfCare website:  to unsubscribe by following the instructions.

Your subscription to the Service can also be terminated anytime by clicking on to the unsubscribe option and following the instructions via the account section of the Webb App portal.


12.1 The following provisions at Clauses 12.1 – 12.8  set out all our liability to you (including any liability for acts and/or omissions of our parent company, subsidiaries, associated companies, employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/ licensors) regarding:

a) any breach of this Agreement including any deliberate personal repudiatory breach or any deliberate breach of these conditions by the Company, or our employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/licensors; andb) any representation, statement or tortuous act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Service.

12.2 Nothing in this Agreement excludes or limits our liability for:

a) death or personal injury caused by our gross negligence; or

b) any matter which it would be illegal for us to limit or exclude or attempt to limit or exclude our liability for; or

c) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

12.3 We are not liable for anything out of our control including but not limited to any loss or damage that you may suffer or incur because of any act of God, power cut; trade or labour dispute, failure or any omission of any government or authority; delay, interruption, obstruction, or failure of telecommunication services; or any other cessation; delay or failure caused by a third party or loss or corruption of data. In such an event, we reserve the right to cancel or suspend the Service indefinitely and without notice or incurring any liability whatsoever.

12.4 All representations, warranties and terms (express or implied) not set out in this Agreement are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and we shall have no liability to you in respect of the same. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless in full and on demand with respect to any liability, damages, costs or claims which we may suffer or incur arising out of or in connection with your use of the Service. 

12.5 Subject to Clause 12.2 above:

a) our total aggregate liability to you in respect of direct loss and damage and other direct liability, whatsoever (howsoever caused), whether in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Service shall be limited to the aggregate total of the subscription charges paid by you in the preceding calendar month to the claim in question;

b) any use of the Service is entirely at your own risk. In no event shall we be liable to you for any special, direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage(s) or liability (including without limitation, loss of profit, data, loss of goodwill, loss of contract or other information) or any claims for consequential compensation, loss, punitive or exemplary damages or damage(s) of any kind whatsoever (howsoever caused); or be subject to equitable or injunctive remedies (whether in contract or tort, including, negligence or strict liability or otherwise), arising out of or in connection with the Service and any supplied Content or offers even if it was reasonably foreseeable and whether or not we have been previously made aware of it.

12.6 We accept no responsibility and shall not be liable to you for the content of or use by you of any information or services offered by third parties’ advertising (including advertising by any referral companies) or otherwise posting information via the Service (whether directly or via links to or from other sites or resources or through framing or other electronic mechanisms), nor can we be said to endorse contents of such advertisements or information. In particular, we shall have no liability in respect of material hyper-linked which may be misleading, inaccurate, defamatory, threatening or obscene or otherwise not in accordance with applicable laws or regulations. The provision by us on the Service of a link to another website or app does not constitute any authorisation to access materials held at that website or the app, your use of those other websites or apps is subject to any terms of use and/or privacy policies on those websites or apps.

12.7 We make no representation or warranty about information or any other item(s) that may be accessed either directly or indirectly via the Service (save to extent expressly provided otherwise in the Service) and we reserve the right to make changes and/or corrections at any time to such information, without notice. We accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions (other than a fraudulent misrepresentation) in or from such information and any decisions based on such information are the sole responsibility of the visitor to the Service.

12.8 Your statutory rights as a consumer (if any) are not affected by this Agreement.


13.1 Ownership: the copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights (“IPRs”) in any Content and/or other material displayed on or via the Service as well as its features, which includes text, data, graphics, photographs, videos, animation, images and audiovisual content is either owned by or licensed to us by our third-party suppliers/licensors (collectively the “Materials”). 

13.2 These IPRs are protected under all applicable copyright and intellectual property laws around the world as well as International treaties. All such rights are reserved. No licence is granted to you in respect of any such rights, except to the extent required for your personal use of the Service in accordance with this Agreement. Any unauthorised distribution of the Materials and/or the IPRs is strictly prohibited and legal action could be taken against any such person who makes unauthorized distribution. Where applicable, each third-party supplier of Materials has the right to assert and enforce the provisions of this Agreement directly on its own behalf as a third-party beneficiary.

13.3 Trademarks: Our goods and/or service marks (which may include a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, shape, signature or any combination of these elements) are and shall remain the exclusive property and trademarks of the Company. You shall not be entitled to reproduce such trademarks and/or associated logos without our express prior written consent on each occasion. 

13.4 Third-Party Trademarks: You do not have the right to use trademarks and/or logos of our third-party suppliers/ licensors such as Zain. Each unauthorized use or infringement of trade marks, logos or distinctive signs can be prosecuted according to the applicable law by the respective parties.

13.5 Copying: Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited and in particular you agree to use the Materials solely for your own personal, non-commercial use and specifically not for any business, commercial or public purpose.

13.6 The following activities are prohibited unless you receive our express prior written permission on each occasion:

a) Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials (except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement).

a)deployment within this Service of any spider, robot web crawler or other automated query program;

b)re-use and/or aggregation of any of the Materials in the provision of a commercial service;

c) transfer of any of the Materials to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial or distribution through peer-to-peer networks or any other file sharing platforms; and

d) public display and/or use of any Materials for any rental or sale purposes.

13.7The copying and use of third party materials accessed via the Service is governed by the terms of use applicable to the third party website or service accessed by you.


You agree that the User Data supplied by you to us may be used by us or our affiliates for the following purposes which shall include but are not limited to: sending you messages related to the Service, monitoring your use of the Service and from time to time evaluating if we can improve our services for customers, unless you text/ SMS words “UNSUB LALIGA” to  90901, by following the instructions via Web App portal, or by calling the customer care helpline +96264296323 to unsubscribe from the Service or use the other avialble options identified in clause 11 above.

Any marketing information or promotional materials will require your prior consent before being directed to you. 

Excluding User Data (which is covered in the Privacy Policy), all other non-personally identifiable information (including but not limited to comments, ideas, suggestions, concepts, data, technical information and graphics) submitted via the Web App will become our exclusive property without obligation of confidentiality and we, at our sole discretion, shall be free to use such information for any purpose without any restriction whatsoever. 


15.1 This Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between you and us to the fullest extent permitted by law with regard to use of the Service.

15.2 The Privacy Policy forms an integral part of this Agreement.

15.3 If any clause or part of a clause of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then any such part will be severed from this Agreement. The remainder of the clause or paragraph which contains the relevant provision shall not be affected and this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

15.4 You may not transfer your rights pursuant to this Agreement to any third party and nothing in this Agreement shall confer or purport to confer on or operate to give any third party any benefit or any right to enforce any term of this Agreement except 

as expressly provided in this Agreement.

15.5 No failure or delay by us to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver there of and no single or partial exercise of any such right shall prevent any other or further exercise of that or any other right by us.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. You irrevocably agree that the Courts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute or claim of whatever nature arising out of or relating to the Service. However, we retain the right to bring legal proceedings in any jurisdiction where we believe that infringement of our IPRs or breach of this Agreement is taking place or originating. You are solely responsible for compliance with any applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the Service.

Update: last update August 2023

 [NS1]Can we check/ confirm the customer subscription journey please


L’accès aux contenus du Service est proposé dans le cadre de la souscription d’un abonnement hebdomadaire tacitement reconductible sans engagement de durée.

Conditions tarifaires (Tarifs hors coût de connexion wap):

Prélèvement sur la facture de l’opérateur de télécommunications de l’Utilisateur.

Offre Internet+ Mobile ou offre Internet + Box :

Plusieurs offres tarifaires sont proposées selon le canal de souscription à l’offre, soit une offre facturée 3 euros TTC par semaine comportant la 1ère semaine offerte donnant accès aux contenus proposés sur le site de manière illimitée, soit une offre facturée 3 euros TTC par semaine donnant accès aux contenus proposés sur le site de manière illimitée.

Désabonnement :

Rendez-vous sur votre espace membre, rubrique « Mon compte » directement depuis ce site afin de gérer votre abonnement ou en suivant le lien

Vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment du Service en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.

Facture Box:

Client SFR :

votre compte client SFR (Connectez-vous avec votre email, votre NEUFID ou numéro de téléphone fixe ou votre clé Internet).

Client Orange :

Votre compte Orange (identifiez-vous avec votre numéro de fixe ou votre email liés à votre compte Internet Orange)

Client Bouygues :

Votre compte Bouygues   (Identifiez-vous grâce à votre email en

Dans le cas où cette procédure ne répondrait pas à votre cas particulier, nous vous invitons à vous reporter aux modalités de votre Opérateur Mobile ou de votre Fournisseur d’Accès à Internet et/ou à contacter notre Service Client : ou en appelant le 09 70 34 03 48 (prix d’un appel local). Pour plus d’informations sur les abonnements par SMS+, Internet+ Mobile et par Internet+ Box:



Please read these terms and conditions and our privacy policy carefully found at:  (the “Agreement”). 

The Agreement and the Privacy Policy, available to view at, are jointly referred to as (the “Agreements”). We strongly recommend you print them out and read them in their entirety or alternatively a hard copy is available on written request to us using the Customer Service contact details specified below at the end of this Agreement.  

The Agreements are legally binding and set out the terms and conditions upon which you may access and use the service via our web application:  (the “Web App”). The Agreement also explains how we may use your personal information, but our Privacy Policy will provide you with more information. By accessing this Web App you agree to be bound by this Agreement.

We recommend that you check this Agreement on each visit to this Web App. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, you may not access or use the Web App and/or the Service (as defined below) and should exit immediately. 

You represent and warrant that you possess the legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement and to use this Service (as defined below) in accordance with all terms and conditions herein. You promise to us you are old enough to enter legally binding contracts and you know you will be responsible for all payments due to us for the Service (as defined below), whether it is used by you or another person using your personal information. 

If you do not agree with any terms and conditions of this Agreement, then you should cease using this Web App and exit immediately. Please note that in some jurisdictions there are obligatory provisions in the consumer legislation that may be relevant to Service (as defined below) provided under this Agreement.



Mobile Content Factory, a company registered in United Arab Emirates and having its registered office located at 410 DMC – Bldg 01 – Dubai Media City – Dubai – UAE (“Company”). The Company provides the LaLiga Xtra service, which is dedicated to the LaLiga championship and includes multimedia content such as videos, news, and pictures as well as live results, fixtures and statistics (the “Content”) for a flat daily subscription fee on your supported mobile device accessed via the Web App (the “Service”). The Service is sponsored by Atheer Telecom Iraq Limited, a corporation incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands and having its principal place of business at 27/35/915 Al-Jadriya, Baghdad, Iraq (hereinafter “Zain”).


Please call our helpline noted in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement without hesitation should you have any questions regarding any aspect of our Service.

In this Agreement references to “we”, “us”, “our” and any similar expression shall include the Company and any of its affiliates. This Agreement is to be entered into between the customer “you” and the Company.


2.1 By agreeing to this Agreement and/or by continuing to use the Service you are bound by the entirety of this Agreement as well as any rules governing the Web App or any Content provided to you on or via the Service. If there are any inconsistencies between any rules on the Web App and this Agreement then the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

2.2 Subject to Clause 2.3 below, we reserve the right to make any amendments to the Agreements. We encourage you to review the Agreement available on our Web App:, which is updated periodically. Your continued use of the Service will be deemed to be your acceptance of any changes to the Agreements (as applicable). If the modified Agreements are not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the customer service section below.

2.3 Any change to our prices, Service upgrades or migration, charging policy or policy relating to disclosure of your personal information will require your prior written consent in order to become applicable to you.

2.4 Any rights not specifically granted herein are reserved by us.


3.1 By seeking to subscribe to the Service, accessing and/or using the Service you hereby confirm to us that at all such times you:

a) are resident  in the Republic of Iraq and it is your main residence;

b) are aged 18 (eighteen) years or over;

c) are of sound mind and capable of taking responsibility for your own actions;

d) can enter into a legally binding agreement (you are not legally barred from doing so for any reason) and you are the person whose details are provided in connection with your subscription to the Service ;

e) are acting on your own behalf (as principal) and not on behalf of anyone else;

f) are the authorised owner of the mobile device which you provided when you completed subscription to the Service ;

g) you are located in a jurisdiction in which subscription and access to and use of the Service  is not unlawful or contrary to any applicable laws or regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure that this is not the case. 

3.2 Persons in breach of this Agreement are not entitled to access or use the Service and could be committing fraud and be subject to criminal prosecution.

3.3 You cannot use the Service unless you have first completed the subscription to the Service (please see details in the section titled “Subscription”).

3.4 You hereby warrant to us that all information provided in your subscription to the Service and all personal data provided to us is complete, true and accurate and not misleading and that you will notify us immediately of any change.

3.5 You undertake to access and/or use the Service for legitimate and personal entertainment purposes only. 

3.6 You undertake to abide by all applicable laws and regulations when using the Service and to be solely responsible for all matters arising from your use of the Service.

3.7 You undertake not to use the Service in any way which might infringe any rights of any third party or give rise to a legal claim against us by any third party;

3.8 You undertake not to damage, interfere with or disrupt access to the Service or do anything that may interrupt or impair its functionality (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).

3.9 You undertake not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access through whatever means to the Service or any part of it (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).


4.1 The Service is not aimed at children. By granting your child permission to use the Service, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreements on behalf of your child. You are responsible for monitoring and supervising your child’s use of the Service. If your child is using the Service and does not have your permission, please contact us immediately (please scroll down to section 11 (Customer Care) of the Agreement to the section titled Customer Service) so that we can disable his or her access.

4.2 The Service can be accessed via the Web App: via

Service Description

Service: Web App


Payment Period: Per day

Termination: “08” to 4079, via our selfcare portal , or by contacting the Customer Care on +964535113010 or using other details specified in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement.

4.3 To access the Service you must ensure that your mobile device is compatible with the Service and that it is correctly configured for use. For Android devices, please find a list of those which support Flash Player:


5.1 Before you are able to fully access the Service you will be required to subscribe to the Service in one of the following ways:

By clicking on an advertising banner and following the instructions noted on the subsequent pages to: on the button e.g. “SUBSCRIBE NOW” and then the “CONFIRMbutton[NS1]  to complete your subscription; or visiting the Web App directly and following the instructions to subscribe to the Service. Once your subscription to the Service is complete you will be able to use and/or access the Web App.

iii.Upon completion of the subscription to the Service, we will confirm by SMS text message to the mobile number which you provided, that you have successfully subscribed to the Service.

5.2 The subscription fee/charges for the Service are always mentioned at the point of purchase i.e. at the commencement of subscription period or on the date of accessing the Service.

5.3 Following subscription to the Service you will be provided with access to the Service as applicable via for the Web App.

5.4 Transactions made using your registered mobile number are accepted by us on the understanding that you are authorised to register this mobile number and to access and/or use the Service. If your mobile phone is used by anyone other than yourself, we will accept no liability for the consequences or costs incurred from such misuse, or for the loss, theft, and misuse of your User Data (as defined below).

5.5 You agree to be solely responsible at all times for all access and/or use of the Service. You are responsible for keeping all your user identification details e.g. your full name, address (email and/or postal), mobile number/MSISDN (mobile station integrated services digital network number and other personal information (“User Data”) confidential. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Service through your internet connection are aware of this Agreement and are in full compliance with its terms. You also agree to inform us immediately (our contact details are provided in the Customer Service section below) if you believe that your User Data is being misused by a third party so that we may suspend your subscription to the Service.

5.6 We reserve the right to disable any User Data whether chosen by you or allocated by us at any time if in our sole opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement.

5.7 We reserve the right to ask for proof of age documentation and evidence to verify your identity at any time (including any third party, which may keep a record of such information). We reserve the right to conduct checks against any of the details provided to us and to pursue this information through any channels and methods available to us. Failure to provide substantiated proof of age or other requested information will result in the suspension or termination of your subscription to the Service.

5.8 We reserve the right to refuse, suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service immediately and without consulting or notifying you or giving you reasons in the event that you publish, cause the publication of and/or send via the Service any actual or potentially defamatory, offensive or obscene language or material or if you breach, or are suspected of any breach of this Agreement, any applicable law, regulation, code or request of Zain and/or regulators or should we deem it in our and/or other customers best interests to do so. 

5.9 It is your sole responsibility to ensure that at all times you comply with all laws and regulations with respect to the Web App and/or Content made available through the Service in any jurisdiction where you are located or are a resident and that you have a complete and unrestricted legal right to subscribe to the Service, access and/or use the Service in whole or part.

5.10 Use of the Service will be closely monitored to ensure that no customer is using the Service with a frequency or in a manner which might suggest that he or she is using it except solely for personal use or is using it on behalf of others, and we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate the access to the Service if we consider or suspect that the Service is being used in this way. 

5.11 If any of your User Data or other information relevant to your subscription to the Service change you must inform us immediately by contacting us using the contact information provided in the customer service section below.


6.1 You may access the Service after subscription and paying the subscription Fee. The Service is mobile subscription service costing 300 IQD PER DAY, DEPENDING ON THE PRICE POINT AT THE TIME OF SUBSCRIBING (exact price for future users may vary, depending on the existing campaign at the time of joining) and your subscription will automatically renew on a daily basis until you unsubscribe in one of the following ways: a) by clicking on a link in the footer of Web App and following the instructions to unsubscribe or b) by sending an SMS with the words “08” to 4079 after subscription or c) by contacting our customer care team using the contact details noted in section 11 below. You will be provided with an exact Fee quote at the point of purchase, as described above.

6.2 Our Service offers you unlimited access to the Content via the Web App while you remain subscribed to the Service. You will pay the price detailed above by charging the purchase to your monthly account or prepaid account provided by Zain. The subscription Fee shall become due at the end of the specific subscription period while you are subscribed to this Service irrespective of whether or not the Web App is actually accessed during any particular subscription period.

6.3 Your contract for the Service is withus. Zain will simply charge the amount directly to your bill or prepaid account. Once this charge has been authorised by you, the amount chargedmust be paid to Zain. You are therefore wholly responsible for checking that you are happy with the price and the Service before making a purchase commitment.

6.4 All prices stated and/or otherwise communicated to you are inclusive of value added tax or similar taxes (“VAT”) (where applicable).

6.5 You can access the Service until you send “08” to 4079 at any time to unsubscribe from the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the Customer Service section below.

6.6 If you dispute any payment made, you must contact us immediately and provide full details of your claim, using the Customer Service details stated in section 11 below.

6.7 If you owe any amount under or relating to this Agreement, we may suspend or withdraw the provision of Service to you. You will be able to access the Service for 48 (forty-eight) hours after the first billing attempt fails, after which the Service may be restricted or deactivated.

6.8 If the payment for each day you are subscribed fails, we will attempt to take the payment for a period of 30 (thirty) days, before automatically cancelling your subscription and privileges (an SMS message will be sent to you to confirm this).

6.9 No refunds will apply for early abortive Content or termination of the Service following a payment period.


7.1 In order to access and/or use the Service follow the information shown on your device’s screen to complete Subscription.

7.2 Any use of the Service by you is on an « as is » and an « as available » basis. You agree and accept that the Service is not a fault-free service and is for your own personal use and shall not be used for commercial purposes.

7.3 Your contract with us will be null and void if we discover or suspect that you have in any way interrupted, deviated, tried to manipulate the outcome or tampered with any part of the Service.

7.4 We reserve the right to change the format of the Service, the Web App or the Content that we offer, in whole or in part, in order to enhance them, correct any defects or provided upgrades from time to time. We reserve the right to record all telephone calls made to us and to monitor all information relating to the Service for which purposes you consent in accordance with the laws and regulations of Republic of Iraq.


8.1 You must not attempt or encourage the misuse of the Service by introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the server on which the Service is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Service. You must not attack the Service via a denial-of-service attack (“DoS”) or distributed denial-of-service attack (“DDoS”).

8.2 By breaching Clause 9.1 above, you would commit a criminal offence under applicable laws  on combating cyber crimes (as well as any amendments, re-enactments which may be made to such laws from time to time). We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such breach, your right to use the Web App and the Service will cease immediately without notice to you or any liability to us.

8.3 We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the DoS, DDoS, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Service or to your downloading of Content, or other material posted on or via the Service.


9.1 We may from time to time run promotions including free news and/or content which is free to access, award prizes and provide you with marketing or promotional materials if you have completed your subscription to the Service and opted in to receive such information from us.

9.2 The rules of entry or access to any promotions will be displayed on the Service and may sometimes be restricted only to a first-time user. For the purposes of this Agreement, a ‘first time user’ is a customer who has not subscribed to the Service before.


10.1 We will not rent, sell or share your personal details to or with third parties. However, we may pass on your details to relevant authorities or regulators if we and/or they wish to investigate or assist in the investigation of any suspected or alleged fraud or abuse of the Service and/or the Web App or if we are required by law to do so, for example in accordance with the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism laws and other applicable legislation.

10.2 All information received by us from your use of the Service shall be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on the Web App (a link to our Privacy Policy is provided above) and which we encourage you to review as it details how we may process your User Data. By using the Service you consent to us processing your User Data. It is your responsibility to update and maintain the accuracy of that information and we are entitled to rely on any information you provide us with.

10.3 If we have reason to believe that there has been or is likely to be a breach of security or any other misuse of the Service, we may suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service.

10.4 We are not obliged to monitor, detect or report any unauthorised use of the Service and you shall be solely responsible for all use of the Service made by you or anyone else using your User Data, for preventing unauthorised use of your User Data and/or  mobile device and you are liable for all user charges that are incurred as a result of any such unauthorised use. 

10.5 If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorised use of your User Data or mobile device you must notify us immediately by e-mailing us at:


We hope that you are pleased with the Service and that you will never have reason to complain – but if there is something you are not happy with we would like you to tell us about it so that we can try to put matters right.  Should you wish to make a complaint with respect to the Agreement or the Service please contact us by emailing or writing to the postal address as follows:

Customer Service:

Helpline:  +964535113010 (toll free, some network providers may apply their own charges, please refer to them for rates[NS2] ).

Email: A copy of our Complaints Procedure will be sent to upon request by you or in the event that you submit a complaint to us.


You are free to cancel your subscription at any time by following the instructions below:

To unsubscribe send “08” to 4079, or by calling the helpline noted above; or

You may also contact customer services using the telephone number and email address noted directly above; or

You may use the SelfCare website: to unsubscribe by following the instructions.

Your subscription to the Service can also be terminated anytime by clicking on to the unsubscribe option and following the instructions via the account section of the Webb App portal.


12.1 The following provisions at Clauses 12.1 – 12.8  set out all our liability to you (including any liability for acts and/or omissions of our parent company, subsidiaries, associated companies, employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/ licensors) regarding:

a) any breach of this Agreement including any deliberate personal repudiatory breach or any deliberate breach of these conditions by the Company, or our employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/licensors; andb) any representation, statement or tortuous act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Service.

12.2 Nothing in this Agreement excludes or limits our liability for:

a) death or personal injury caused by our gross negligence; or

b) any matter which it would be illegal for us to limit or exclude or attempt to limit or exclude our liability for; or

c) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

12.3 We are not liable for anything out of our control including but not limited to any loss or damage that you may suffer or incur because of any act of God, power cut; trade or labour dispute, failure or any omission of any government or authority; delay, interruption, obstruction, or failure of telecommunication services; or any other cessation; delay or failure caused by a third party or loss or corruption of data. In such an event, we reserve the right to cancel or suspend the Service indefinitely and without notice or incurring any liability whatsoever.

12.4 All representations, warranties and terms (express or implied) not set out in this Agreement are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and we shall have no liability to you in respect of the same. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless in full and on demand with respect to any liability, damages, costs or claims which we may suffer or incur arising out of or in connection with your use of the Service. 

12.5 Subject to Clause 12.2 above:

a) our total aggregate liability to you in respect of direct loss and damage and other direct liability, whatsoever (howsoever caused), whether in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Service shall be limited to the aggregate total of the subscription charges paid by you in the preceding calendar month to the claim in question;

b) any use of the Service is entirely at your own risk. In no event shall we be liable to you for any special, direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage(s) or liability (including without limitation, loss of profit, data, loss of goodwill, loss of contract or other information) or any claims for consequential compensation, loss, punitive or exemplary damages or damage(s) of any kind whatsoever (howsoever caused); or be subject to equitable or injunctive remedies (whether in contract or tort, including, negligence or strict liability or otherwise), arising out of or in connection with the Service and any supplied Content or offers even if it was reasonably foreseeable and whether or not we have been previously made aware of it.

12.6 We accept no responsibility and shall not be liable to you for the content of or use by you of any information or services offered by third parties’ advertising (including advertising by any referral companies) or otherwise posting information via the Service (whether directly or via links to or from other sites or resources or through framing or other electronic mechanisms), nor can we be said to endorse contents of such advertisements or information. In particular, we shall have no liability in respect of material hyper-linked which may be misleading, inaccurate, defamatory, threatening or obscene or otherwise not in accordance with applicable laws or regulations. The provision by us on the Service of a link to another website or app does not constitute any authorisation to access materials held at that website or the app, your use of those other websites or apps is subject to any terms of use and/or privacy policies on those websites or apps.

12.7 We make no representation or warranty about information or any other item(s) that may be accessed either directly or indirectly via the Service (save to extent expressly provided otherwise in the Service) and we reserve the right to make changes and/or corrections at any time to such information, without notice. We accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions (other than a fraudulent misrepresentation) in or from such information and any decisions based on such information are the sole responsibility of the visitor to the Service.

12.8 Your statutory rights as a consumer (if any) are not affected by this Agreement.


13.1 Ownership: the copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights (“IPRs”) in any Content and/or other material displayed on or via the Service as well as its features, which includes text, data, graphics, photographs, videos, animation, images and audiovisual content is either owned by or licensed to us by our third-party suppliers/licensors (collectively the “Materials”). 

13.2 These IPRs are protected under all applicable copyright and intellectual property laws around the world as well as International treaties. All such rights are reserved. No licence is granted to you in respect of any such rights, except to the extent required for your personal use of the Service in accordance with this Agreement. Any unauthorised distribution of the Materials and/or the IPRs is strictly prohibited and legal action could be taken against any such person who makes unauthorized distribution. Where applicable, each third-party supplier of Materials has the right to assert and enforce the provisions of this Agreement directly on its own behalf as a third-party beneficiary.

13.3 Trademarks: Our goods and/or service marks (which may include a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, shape, signature or any combination of these elements) are and shall remain the exclusive property and trademarks of the Company. You shall not be entitled to reproduce such trademarks and/or associated logos without our express prior written consent on each occasion. 

13.4 Third-Party Trademarks: You do not have the right to use trademarks and/or logos of our third-party suppliers/ licensors such as Zain. Each unauthorized use or infringement of trade marks, logos or distinctive signs can be prosecuted according to the applicable law by the respective parties.

13.5 Copying: Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited and in particular you agree to use the Materials solely for your own personal, non-commercial use and specifically not for any business, commercial or public purpose.

13.6 The following activities are prohibited unless you receive our express prior written permission on each occasion:

a) Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials (except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement).

a)deployment within this Service of any spider, robot web crawler or other automated query program;

b)re-use and/or aggregation of any of the Materials in the provision of a commercial service;

c) transfer of any of the Materials to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial or distribution through peer-to-peer networks or any other file sharing platforms; and

d) public display and/or use of any Materials for any rental or sale purposes.

13.7The copying and use of third party materials accessed via the Service is governed by the terms of use applicable to the third party website or service accessed by you.


You agree that the User Data supplied by you to us may be used by us or our affiliates for the following purposes which shall include but are not limited to: sending you messages related to the Service, monitoring your use of the Service and from time to time evaluating if we can improve our services for customers, unless you text “08” to 4079, by following the instructions via Web App portal, or by calling the customer care helpline +964535113010 to unsubscribe from the Service or use the other avialble options identified in clause 11 below.

Any marketing information or promotional materials will require your prior consent before being directed to you. 

Excluding User Data (which is covered in the Privacy Policy), all other non-personally identifiable information (including but not limited to comments, ideas, suggestions, concepts, data, technical information and graphics) submitted via the Web App will become our exclusive property without obligation of confidentiality and we, at our sole discretion, shall be free to use such information for any purpose without any restriction whatsoever. 


15.1 This Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between you and us to the fullest extent permitted by law with regard to use of the Service.

15.2 The Privacy Policy forms an integral part of this Agreement.

15.3 If any clause or part of a clause of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then any such part will be severed from this Agreement. The remainder of the clause or paragraph which contains the relevant provision shall not be affected and this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

15.4 You may not transfer your rights pursuant to this Agreement to any third party and nothing in this Agreement shall confer or purport to confer on or operate to give any third party any benefit or any right to enforce any term of this Agreement except 

as expressly provided in this Agreement.

15.5 No failure or delay by us to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver there of and no single or partial exercise of any such right shall prevent any other or further exercise of that or any other right by us.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Iraq. You irrevocably agree that the Courts of the Republic of Iraq shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute or claim of whatever nature arising out of or relating to the Service. However, we retain the right to bring legal proceedings in any jurisdiction where we believe that infringement of our IPRs or breach of this Agreement is taking place or originating. You are solely responsible for compliance with any applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the Service.

Update: last update June 2023


Legal notice

Publisher : this site is published by Mobile Content Factory

Registered office: 350 rue denis papin – parc de la duranne – domaine du tourillon – 13100 aix-en-provence – france (société par actions simplifiée (sas), with a capital of 1,203,258.00 euros, registered with the aix-en-provence trade and companies register under number 390 944 429)

Intra-community vat number fr 91 390 944 429

Director of publication: M. BRICHE, president

Customer service

Customer service department phone number : +964535113010

Email address:

Through whatsApp :

website : ,

Post : (not requiring cancellation): Mobile Content Factory– service client libre réponse 76925 – 13629 aix en provence 1 – france 


Amazon web services emea sarl38 avenue john f. kennedy, l-1855 luxembourg phone number: 00352 2789 0057

MENA (Mobile content factory)_Smartmob_Privacy Policy_LaLiga_Xtra

Data Protection Policy

1. What is the purpose of the data protection policy?

  1. Given the relationship of trust that exists between Mobile Content Factory and its customers, Mobile Content Factory wants to set out its personal data protection policy with regard to data protection regulations by taking into account the European Union standards in this matter and more particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  2. With this data protection policy, Mobile Content Factory undertakes, within the framework of its activities and in accordance with the regulations in force, to protect the privacy of its prospects and customers (the “data subjects”) by ensuring the protection, confidentiality and security of the personal data collected.
  3. Mobile Content Factory further undertakes to have suitable financial, human and technical means to safeguard the data subjects’ human dignity, legitimate interests and fundamental rights.
  4. The main objective of this data protection policy is to concentrate in a single document clear, simple and precise information concerning the data processing operations carried out by Mobile Content Factory, in order to enable the data subjects to understand what information and personal data (hereinafter referred to as the “personal data”) are collected, how they are used and what their rights are with regard to these personal data.
  5. Mobile Content Factory reserves the right to amend this data protection policy at its sole discretion and at any time, in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

2. Governance of personal data

  • Mobile Content Factory has developed a personal data governance policy.
  • This policy includes all the guidelines, rules, procedures, and practices implemented by Mobile Content Factory to take into account the requirements of regulations relating to the use and protection of personal data, whose guiding principles are presented in this policy.
  • In this context, Mobile Content Factory has designated a Data Protection Officer (DPO).
  • The task of the DPO is to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and to liaise with the competent authority and all data subjects in relation to the collection or processing of personal data.
  • The DPO can be contacted by any interested person at the following postal address: “Service RGPD – 350 rue Denis Papin 13594 Aix en Provence Cedex 3” or at the following email address “”.

3.   Definitions

  • « anonymisation » means «the result from processing personal data in order to irreversibly prevent identification»;
  • « collect » means to obtain personal data. Data may be collected in particular by means of questionnaires or replies to messages;
  • « consent » means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her;
  • « controller» means the person or body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data;
  • « profiling » means “any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements”;
  • « online services » means digital services offered by Mobile Content Factory, such as website, applications, or associated services;
  • « providers » should be construed in the broadest sense and means in particular service providers, subcontractors working with Mobile Content Factory;
  • « processing of personal data » means any operation or set of operations in relation to such data, whatever the mechanism used;
  • «products or services » means all products and services, including technological products and services (websites, applications and associated services) offered or to be offered by Mobile Content Factory;
  • « prospect » means any person who has contacted Mobile Content Factory to obtain information about a product or service offered by Mobile Content Factory.

4.  When does Mobile Content Factory collect personal data?

  1. Personal data may be collected primarily in the context of:
  2. the entry into contact with Mobile Content Factory;
  3. the customer’s use of any Digital Virgo group’s products and services, including technological services (website, application, and associated services);
  4. the relationship between Mobile Content Factory, its prospects, and its customers;
  5. the performance of contracts;
  6. the performance of legal or regulatory obligations relating to the activity of the Digital Virgo group and having an impact on the protection of personal data, such as tax obligations, audit, fight against fraud etc.;
  7. and those relating to the management of the commercial relationship in particular at the time of complaints, or satisfaction surveys; …

5.  What are the categories of data processed by Mobile Content Factory ?

  1. Personal data means any information relating to a natural person which permits to identify him or her, directly or indirectly.
  2.  The data collected by Mobile Content Factory may be divided into the following main categories: contact data, identification data, civil status, photos, data linked to the use of the services, payment data.
  3. Personal data may include an individual’s first and last name, telephone number, photograph, video recording, messages exchanged, postal address, email address, computer’s IP address, type of device used.

5.1 Declarative personal data

  1. Declarative personal data are those provided by the data subjects and collected by Mobile Content Factory in the context of commercial or contractual relationships.
  2. The data come mainly from the data subjects and the persons authorised by the data subjects to transmit them to Mobile Content Factory.
  3. For example, the data subject may be asked to provide personal data relating to his or her family situation as well as his or her full name and contact details. These data can be collected through electronic forms (on website or mobile applications) or paper forms or through answers to questions asked for example by an employee of the Digital Virgo group.

5.2 Personal data related to the functioning of the Digital Virgo group’s products and services

  1. Personal data may arise from the use by the data subjects of the Digital Virgo group’s products and services or may relate to operations carried out via the products and services offered by Mobile Content Factory  in the context of its relationship with the data subject.
  2. For example, information is collected on the communications with the customer service, or the connection to the services offered, or the use of online services (use of applications).

5.3 Personal data from third parties

  • The personal data processed may also come from:
  • service providers;
  • public or supervisory authorities;
  • subcontractors, providers of the Digital Virgo group or third parties if their personal data protection policies allow it;
  • other products or services provided by third parties to which the data subjects have subscribed and/or for which they have authorised sharing with Mobile Content Factory.

5.4 Public personal data

  • Mobile Content Factory may collect public personal data concerning the data subjects.
  • Public personal data are personal information or data that are produced or received by an administrative or public authority as part of its public service task, that are published by an administrative authority or that can be communicated to any person upon request.
  • Mobile Content Factory may use public information or personal data where permitted by law or regulation and in compliance with the specific rules of communication and re-use specified by such law or regulation.

5.5 Personal data calculated or inferred by Mobile Content Factory

  • Mobile Content Factory may generate or calculate new personal data on the basis of declarative personal data or data related to the functioning of technological tools.
  • This is in particular used to know its customers, to adapt its products and services, to personalize the offers that can be made to customers, in which case Mobile Content Factory may define commercial or marketing profiles, segments.

5.6 Special categories of data

  • Special categories of personal data are data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, personal genetic data, personal biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, personal data concerning health or personal data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.
  • These special categories of personal data, which must be subject to special attention, are not processed by Mobile Content Factory; in the event that their processing becomes necessary, Mobile Content Factory  undertakes to process them under the conditions laid down by the regulations relating to the protection of personal data.
  • It may happen that the data subject chooses to provide Mobile Content Factory with some of this information such as his or her racial origin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs, in which case the fact of choosing to provide this information constitutes consent to its processing.

6. What are the personal data processed by Mobile Content Factory?

  • Mobile Content Factory processes the following main personal data in relation to user:
  • last name, first name;
  • sex;
  • sex searched;
  • languages;
  • date of birth: age;
  • nationality/place of origin;
  • number of children;
  • email address;
  • mailing address;
  • telephone number;
  • alias (identifier encrypted by the mobile telephone operator allowing contact to be made by SMS);
  • data relating to related persons (children, parents, spouses);
  • connection and consultation data to electronic applications (IP, device, logs, tracers);
  • photos;
  • messages exchanged on community services or with the customer service;
  • SMSs sent or received;
  • conversations with the customer service;
  • calls to value-added services;
  • bank details/RIB;
  • identity card;
  • telephone bills.

7.  Who are the recipients of the data collected by Mobile Content Factory?

7.1 When Mobile Content Factory is acting as a controller

  • The personal data collected, as well as those that will be obtained later, are intended for Mobile Content Factory in its capacity as the data controller.
  • Mobile Content Factory ensures that the personal data of the data subjects are only accessed by authorised persons and only when necessary for the performance of their tasks.
  • Some personal data may be sent to third parties to comply with legal, regulatory or contractual obligations or to legally authorised authorities.
  • The categories of recipients of the data include: customers, Digital Virgo group companies, financial and accounting departments, legal department, sales department, internal customer relationship service, technical providers, service providers in charge of customer relations.

7.2 When Mobile Content Factory is acting as a processor

  • As part of its contracts with its partners, Mobile Content Factory may collect and process data on behalf of its partners, who act in in these cases as the controllers and end recipients of the data collected.
  • Mobile Content Factory ensures that the same security measures are in place for such processing and data as for those where Mobile Content Factory is the controller.

8.  How long does Mobile Content Factory keep the personal data?

  • Personal data are stored in Mobile Content Factory ’s information systems or those of its subcontractors or providers. Subject to transmission to third parties, personal data are stored in a data center and processed in Europe.
  • As a matter of principle, Mobile Content Factory undertakes to choose subcontractors and providers who meet the best quality and security criteria and provide sufficient guarantees in terms of reliability, security and resources to implement technical and organisational measures.
  • Lastly, Mobile Content Factory knows at all times the place where its data are hosted in order to be able to demonstrate compliance to the competent supervisory authorities.

9.  Guiding principles for the protection of personal data

  • The GDPR has strengthened the duty to provide information to data subjects whose personal data are collected.

9.1     Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

9.1.1     Lawfulness

  • Mobile Content Factory will not process data unlawfully, with the understanding that lawfulness is assessed in the light of one of the conditions described below.
  • Consent of data subject. Mobile Content Factory may carry out processing where the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. Minors. The services offered by Mobile Content Factory are not intended for minor children. The data subject acknowledges being 21 years of age or older to subscribe or use Mobile Content Factory services. It is up to the parents and any person exercising parental authority to decide whether their minor child is allowed to use the services.
  • Such consent may be given by a written statement, including by electronic means, or an oral statement, or when using the services.
  • Performance of the contract or taking steps prior to entering into a contract. Mobile Content Factory may carry out processing where processing is necessary for the performance of the contract.
  • For example, processing is implemented within the framework of the performance of the contract when maintaining and managing contracts, such as with reimbursements or management of unpaid invoices.
  • Legal and regulatory obligations. Mobile Content Factory may carry out processing where processing is necessary for compliance with its legal or regulatory obligations.
  • These legal or regulatory obligations include, for example, those relating to the control and monitoring regarding the internal control to which Mobile Content Factory is subject and, more particularly, banking and tax obligations.
  • In this context, it may be required to request specific information concerning certain operations if required by law or regulation and to transmit personal information and data to third parties.
  • Legitimate interests of Digital Virgo group. Mobile Content Factory may carry out processing where processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Digital Virgo group or a third party.
  • The legitimate interests pursued by Mobile Content Factory are diverse but may consist in particular of:
  • the improvement of the marketing knowledge of the data subjects;
  • the improvement of products and services;
  • segmentation, profiling, direct marketing, marketing segmentation.
  • Such processing operations are carried out taking into account the interests and fundamental rights of the data subjects. As such, they are accompanied by measures and guarantees to ensure the protection of the interests and rights of the data subjects and allow a balance with the legitimate interests pursued by Mobile Content Factory.

9.1.2       Fairness and transparency

  • Mobile Content Factory undertakes to provide fair, clear and transparent information.
  • Mobile Content Factory undertakes to inform the data subjects of each processing operation it carries out by means of information notices.

9.2     Specified, explicit and legitimate purposes

  • Personal data are collected and processed by Mobile Content Factory for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes at all times.
  • Committed to guaranteeing the ethics and security of the personal data of its customers, Mobile Content Factory uses personal data in accordance with the terms of this data protection policy.
  • Mobile Content Factory uses all or part of the personal data for the following main purposes:
  • taking steps at the request of the data subjects prior to entering into a contract;
  • managing contracts and relationships with its customers;
  • managing exchanges with Digital Virgo group’s partners in the context of complaints or requests sent to it;
  • managing its activities (e.g. internal and external audit) and compliance with legal obligations;
  • managing, protecting and securing tools, websites and applications;
  • measuring quality and satisfaction;
  • improving the services provided;
  • developing service innovation;
  • executing solicitation operations;
  • developing trade statistics;
  • managing data subject’s requests in relation to their rights;
  • managing unpaid debts, litigation, fight against fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing, and tax evasion;
  • managing people’s opinions on products, services or content;
  • getting customer knowledge.

9.3     Adequacy, relevance and restriction

  • For each processing operation, Mobile Content Factory undertakes to ensure that the processing operations are adequate and to collect and process only data that are strictly necessary for the purpose pursued.

9.4  Data accuracy

  • Mobile Content Factory is committed to ensuring that the data collected are complete and as up-to-date as circumstances permit.
  • Data subjects have the right to exercise their right to rectification, under the conditions given below, if they become aware of the existence of inaccurate data.

9.5    Storage period and restriction

  • Mobile Content Factory undertakes that it will not keep personal data longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they are stored or no longer than the period provided for by the regulations relating to the protection of personal data.
Categories of Personal DataRules of active conservation
1.Customer and prospect file managementFor customers: for the duration of the contractual relationship and 5 years thereafter For prospects: 3 years from the last contact from the prospect
2.Analytics statistics13 months
3.Newsletter managementUntil unsubscription
4.PhotosUntil deleted or 6 months after unsubscription or 3 years after last service access
5.Messages or recordings1 year
  • After the end of the retention period, the data will be deleted from Mobile Content Factory ’s information system.

9.6   Commitment to security and confidentiality

  • Mobile Content Factory undertakes to implement security measures appropriate to the degree of sensitivity of the personal data to protect them against any malicious intrusion, loss, alteration or disclosure to unauthorised third parties.
  • All Mobile Content Factory ’s premises in which personal data are processed are protected electronically and/or manually against intrusion by unauthorised third parties.
  • Mobile Content Factory has adopted internal policies and processes implementing measures that comply with the principles of personal data protection by design and by default.
  • For example, it may apply pseudonymisation of personal data as soon as this is possible or necessary.

9.7    Rights of data subjects

  • The individuals whose data are processed are granted the following rights, unless otherwise legally required from Mobile Content Factory:
  • the right of information;
  • the right of access;
  • the right to rectification;
  • the right to erasure or the right to be forgotten;
  • the right to portability;
  • the right to object;
  • the right to restriction of processing;
  • the right to question;
  • the right to give guidelines for the storage, erasure and communication of personal data after their death.

9.7.1   Procedures for exercising these rights

  • If you have any questions or requests regarding the processing of personal data by Mobile Content Factory, please contact:

9.7.2  Right to lodge a complaint

  • The data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy.
  • The data subjects may lodge this appeal with the supervisory authority.

9.8    Automated decision-making

  • Data subjects are informed of the possibility of using their personal data for automated processing, including for profiling purposes.
  • “Profiling” means «any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements».
  • Data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, where such a decision produces legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affects them. This right does not apply if the decision is necessary for entering into, or performance of, a contract between the data subject and Mobile Content Factory or is based on the data subject’s explicit consent.
  • The automated processing of personal data carried out in the circumstances mentioned above may only be carried out by Mobile Content Factory on condition that suitable measures have been implemented by it to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests.
  • Furthermore, data subjects have the right to demand human intervention or to express their point of view or to contest the automated decision taken.

9.9      Profiling

  • Mobile Content Factory may use personal data, in particular personal contact data as well as other information and data transmitted for commercial and advertising purposes, including for internal analyses and statistics, to improve its products and services and to send information and offers relating to Mobile Content Factory ’s products and services, such as SMS, newsletters and other advertising messages to the data subjects.
  • The consent of the data subjects is always required for this type of processing.

9.10  Framework for transfers outside the European Union

  • The personal data that European citizens have transmitted to Mobile Content Factory in accordance with the agreed purposes are transferred to a country inside the European Union or outside the European Union.
  • In case of transfers to a country outside the European Union, rules have been put in place to ensure the protection and security of the data.
  • In all cases, Mobile Content Factory undertakes to take all necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the security of personal data.
  • These personal data may be communicated, at the request of the data subjects, to official bodies and to authorised administrative or judicial authorities, or to third parties.

10.  Special processing

10.1     Cookies and other tracking technology

  • When we talk about cookies or other tracking technology, we mean the technology placed and read for example when you consult a website, read an email, install or use software or a mobile application, whatever the type of device used.
  • In order to improve the use and functionalities of its websites, Mobile Content Factory uses various types of cookies or other trackers such as pixel tags, some of which may automatically record and transmit personal data to Mobile Content Factory ’s websites.
  • Mobile Content Factory has set up a cookies policy for its websites. For more information please refer to the Cookie Policy available on the site during your visit.

10.2   Plug-in and social modules

  • The access to and use of Mobile Content Factory ’s websites or applications by the data subjects may give third party service providers access to personal data.
  • These features are not activated automatically and require the express permission of users. For example, if the user uses certain features, Mobile Content Factory ’s websites may connect and transmit personal data to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
  • Because these social networks use your data inter alia for tracking and advertising purposes, Mobile Content Factory recommends that you consult those networks’ data policies and take measures to increase the confidentiality of your data.



Please read these terms and conditions and our privacy policy carefully found at: (the “Agreement”). 

The Agreement and the Privacy Policy (available to view at are jointly referred to as (the “Agreements”). We strongly recommend you print them out and read them in their entirety or alternatively a hard copy is available on written request to us using the Customer Service contact details specified below at the end of this Agreement.  

The Agreements are legally binding and set out the terms and conditions upon which you may access and use the service via our web application:   (the “Web App”). The Agreement also explains how we may use your personal information, but our Privacy Policy will provide you with more information. By accessing this Web App you agree to be bound by this Agreement.

We recommend that you check this Agreement on each visit to this Web App. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, you may not access or use the Web App and/or the Service (as defined below) and should exit immediately. 

You represent and warrant that you possess the legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement and to use this Service (as defined below) in accordance with all terms and conditions herein. You promise to us you are old enough to enter legally binding contracts and you know you will be responsible for all payments due to us for the Service (as defined below), whether it is used by you or another person using your personal information. 

If you do not agree with any terms and conditions of this Agreement, then you should cease using this Web App and exit immediately. Please note that in some jurisdictions there are obligatory provisions in the consumer legislation that may be relevant to Service (as defined below) provided under this Agreement.



Mobile Content Factory, a company registered in United Arab Emirates and having its registered office located at 410 DMC – Bldg 01 – Dubai Media City – Dubai – UAE (“Company”). The Company provides the LaLiga Xtra service, which is dedicated to the LaLiga championship and includes multimedia content such as videos, news, and pictures as well as live results, fixtures and statistics (the “Content”) for a flat daily subscription fee on your supported mobile device accessed via the Web App (the “Service”). The Service is sponsored by Zain Bahrain B.S.C. (a company registered  in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain, holder of commercial registration number 50603, whose registered office is at Zain Bahrain Tower, Building 401, Road 2806, Block 428, Seef District P.O. Box 266, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain (hereinafter “Zain” or “Zain Bahrain”).


Please call our helpline noted in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement without hesitation should you have any questions regarding any aspect of our Service.

In this Agreement references to “we”, “us”, “our” and any similar expression shall include the Company and any of its affiliates. This Agreement is to be entered into between the customer “you” and the Company.


2.1 By agreeing to this Agreement and/or by continuing to use the Service you are bound by the entirety of this Agreement as well as any rules governing the Web App or any Content provided to you on or via the Service. If there are any inconsistencies between any rules on the Web App and this Agreement then the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

2.2 Subject to Clause 2.3 below, we reserve the right to make any amendments to the Agreements. We encourage you to review the Agreement available on our Web App:, which is updated periodically. Your continued use of the Service will be deemed to be your acceptance of any changes to the Agreements (as applicable). If the modified Agreements are not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the customer service section below.

2.3 Any change to our prices, Service upgrades or migration, charging policy or policy relating to disclosure of your personal information will require your prior written consent in order to become applicable to you.

2.4 Any rights not specifically granted herein are reserved by us.


3.1 By seeking to subscribe to the Service, accessing and/or using the Service you hereby confirm to us that at all such times you:

a) are resident  in the Kingdom of Bahrain and it is your main residence;

b) are aged 21 (twenty-one) years or over;

c) are of sound mind and capable of taking responsibility for your own actions;

d) can enter into a legally binding agreement (you are not legally barred from doing so for any reason) and you are the person whose details are provided in connection with your subscription to the Service ;

e) are acting on your own behalf (as principal) and not on behalf of anyone else;

f) are the authorised owner of the mobile device which you provided when you completed subscription to the Service ;

g) you are located in a jurisdiction in which subscription and access to and use of the Service  is not unlawful or contrary to any applicable laws or regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure that this is not the case. 

3.2 Persons in breach of this Agreement are not entitled to access or use the Service and could be committing fraud and be subject to criminal prosecution.

3.3 You cannot use the Service unless you have first completed the subscription to the Service (please see details in the section titled “Subscription”).

3.4 You hereby warrant to us that all information provided in your subscription to the Service and all personal data provided to us is complete, true and accurate and not misleading and that you will notify us immediately of any change.

3.5 You undertake to access and/or use the Service for legitimate and personal entertainment purposes only. 

3.6 You undertake to abide by all applicable laws and regulations when using the Service and to be solely responsible for all matters arising from your use of the Service.

3.7 You undertake not to use the Service in any way which might infringe any rights of any third party or give rise to a legal claim against us by any third party;

3.8 You undertake not to damage, interfere with or disrupt access to the Service or do anything that may interrupt or impair its functionality (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).

3.9 You undertake not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access through whatever means to the Service or any part of it (nor assist, encourage or permit any other person to do so).


4.1 The Service is not aimed at children. By granting your child permission to use the Service, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreements on behalf of your child. You are responsible for monitoring and supervising your child’s use of the Service. If your child is using the Service and does not have your permission, please contact us immediately (please scroll down to section 11 (Customer Care) of the Agreement to the section titled Customer Service) so that we can disable his or her access.

4.2 The Service can be accessed via the Web App: via

Service Description

Service: Web App


Payment Period: Per day

Termination: “UNSUB CNS” to 88888 , via our selfcare portal , or by contacting the Customer Care on  +97316163531 or using other details specified in section 11 (Customer Care) of this Agreement

4.3 To access the Service you must ensure that your mobile device is compatible with the Service and that it is correctly configured for use. For Android devices, please find a list of those which support Flash Player:


5.1 Before you are able to fully access the Service you will be required to subscribe to the Service in one of the following ways:

By clicking on an advertising banner and following the instructions noted on the subsequent pages to: on the button e.g. “SUBSCRIBE NOW” and then the “CONFIRMbutton[NS2]  to complete your subscription; or visiting the Web App directly and following the instructions to subscribe to the Service. Once your subscription to the Service is complete you will be able to use and/or access the Web App.

iii.Upon completion of the subscription to the Service, we will confirm by SMS text message to the mobile number which you provided, that you have successfully subscribed to the Service.

5.2 The subscription fee/charges for the Service are always mentioned at the point of purchase i.e. at the commencement of subscription period or on the date of accessing the Service.

5.3 Following subscription to the Service you will be provided with access to the Service as applicable via for the Web App.

5.4 Transactions made using your registered mobile number are accepted by us on the understanding that you are authorised to register this mobile number and to access and/or use the Service. If your mobile phone is used by anyone other than yourself, we will accept no liability for the consequences or costs incurred from such misuse, or for the loss, theft, and misuse of your User Data (as defined below).

5.5 You agree to be solely responsible at all times for all access and/or use of the Service. You are responsible for keeping all your user identification details e.g. your full name, address (email and/or postal), mobile number/MSISDN (mobile station integrated services digital network number and other personal information (“User Data”) confidential. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Service through your internet connection are aware of this Agreement and are in full compliance with its terms. You also agree to inform us immediately (our contact details are provided in the Customer Service section below) if you believe that your User Data is being misused by a third party so that we may suspend your subscription to the Service.

5.6 We reserve the right to disable any User Data whether chosen by you or allocated by us at any time if in our sole opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement.

5.7 We reserve the right to ask for proof of age documentation and evidence to verify your identity at any time (including any third party, which may keep a record of such information). We reserve the right to conduct checks against any of the details provided to us and to pursue this information through any channels and methods available to us. Failure to provide substantiated proof of age or other requested information will result in the suspension or termination of your subscription to the Service.

5.8 We reserve the right to refuse, suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service immediately and without consulting or notifying you or giving you reasons in the event that you publish, cause the publication of and/or send via the Service any actual or potentially defamatory, offensive or obscene language or material or if you breach, or are suspected of any breach of this Agreement, any applicable law, regulation, code or request of Zain Bahrain  and/or regulators or should we deem it in our and/or other customers best interests to do so. 

5.9 It is your sole responsibility to ensure that at all times you comply with all laws and regulations with respect to the Web App and/or Content made available through the Service in any jurisdiction where you are located or are a resident and that you have a complete and unrestricted legal right to subscribe to the Service, access and/or use the Service in whole or part.

5.10 Use of the Service will be closely monitored to ensure that no customer is using the Service with a frequency or in a manner which might suggest that he or she is using it except solely for personal use or is using it on behalf of others, and we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate the access to the Service if we consider or suspect that the Service is being used in this way. 

5.11 If any of your User Data or other information relevant to your subscription to the Service change you must inform us immediately by contacting us using the contact information provided in the customer service section below.


6.1 You may access the Service after subscription and paying the subscription Fee. The Service is mobile subscription service costing 0,2 BHD per day (exact price for future users may vary, depending on the existing campaign at the time of joining) and your subscription will automatically renew on a daily basis until you unsubscribe in one of the following ways: a) by clicking on a link in the footer of Web App and following the instructions to unsubscribe or b) by sending an SMS with the words “UNSUB LIGA” to  88888 after subscription or c) by contacting our customer care team using the contact details noted in section 11 below. You will be provided with an exact Fee quote at the point of purchase, as described above.

6.2 Our Service offers you unlimited access to the Content via the Web App while you remain subscribed to the Service. You will pay the price detailed above by charging the purchase to your monthly account or prepaid account provided by Zain Bahrain. The subscription Fee shall become due at the end of the specific subscription period while you are subscribed to this Service irrespective of whether or not the Web App is actually accessed during any particular subscription period.

6.3 Your contract for the Service is withus. Zain Bahrain will simply charge the amount directly to your bill or prepaid account. Once this charge has been authorised by you, the amount chargedmust be paid to Zain Bahrain. You are therefore wholly responsible for checking that you are happy with the price and the Service before making a purchase commitment.

6.4 All prices stated and/or otherwise communicated to you are inclusive of value added tax or similar taxes (“VAT”) (where applicable).

6.5 You can access the Service until you send “UNSUB LIGA” to 88888 at any time to unsubscribe from the Service. For further details on cancellation please see the Customer Service section below.

6.6 If you dispute any payment made, you must contact us immediately and provide full details of your claim, using the Customer Service details stated in section 11 below.

6.7 If you owe any amount under or relating to this Agreement, we may suspend or withdraw the provision of Service to you. You will be able to access the Service for 48 (forty-eight) hours after the first billing attempt fails, after which the Service may be restricted or deactivated.

6.8 If the payment for each day you are subscribed fails, we will attempt to take the payment for a period of 30 (thirty) days, before automatically cancelling your subscription and privileges (an SMS message will be sent to you to confirm this).

6.9 No refunds will apply for early abortive Content or termination of the Service following a payment period.7. ACCESS AND USE OF THE SERVICE

7.1 In order to access and/or use the Service follow the information shown on your device’s screen to complete Subscription.

7.2 Any use of the Service by you is on an « as is » and an « as available » basis. You agree and accept that the Service is not a fault-free service and is for your own personal use and shall not be used for commercial purposes.

7.3 Your contract with us will be null and void if we discover or suspect that you have in any way interrupted, deviated, tried to manipulate the outcome or tampered with any part of the Service.

7.4 We reserve the right to change the format of the Service, the Web App or the Content that we offer, in whole or in part, in order to enhance them, correct any defects or provided upgrades from time to time. We reserve the right to record all telephone calls made to us and to monitor all information relating to the Service for which purposes you consent in accordance with the laws and regulations of Kingdom of Bahrain.


8.1 You must not attempt or encourage the misuse of the Service by introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the server on which the Service is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Service. You must not attack the Service via a denial-of-service attack (“DoS”) or distributed denial-of-service attack (“DDoS”).

8.2 By breaching Clause 9.1 above, you would commit a criminal offence under applicable laws  on combating cyber crimes (as well as any amendments, re-enactments which may be made to such laws from time to time). We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such breach, your right to use the Web App and the Service will cease immediately without notice to you or any liability to us.

8.3 We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the DoS, DDoS, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Service or to your downloading of Content, or other material posted on or via the Service.


9.1 We may from time to time run promotions including free news and/or content which is free to access, award prizes and provide you with marketing or promotional materials if you have completed your subscription to the Service and opted in to receive such information from us.

9.2 The rules of entry or access to any promotions will be displayed on the Service and may sometimes be restricted only to a first-time user. For the purposes of this Agreement, a ‘first time user’ is a customer who has not subscribed to the Service before.


10.1 We will not rent, sell or share your personal details to or with third parties. However, we may pass on your details to relevant authorities or regulators if we and/or they wish to investigate or assist in the investigation of any suspected or alleged fraud or abuse of the Service and/or the Web App or if we are required by law to do so, for example in accordance with the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism laws and other applicable legislation.

10.2 All information received by us from your use of the Service shall be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on the Web App (a link to our Privacy Policy is provided above) and which we encourage you to review as it details how we may process your User Data. By using the Service you consent to us processing your User Data. It is your responsibility to update and maintain the accuracy of that information and we are entitled to rely on any information you provide us with.

10.3 If we have reason to believe that there has been or is likely to be a breach of security or any other misuse of the Service, we may suspend and/or terminate your subscription to the Service.

10.4 We are not obliged to monitor, detect or report any unauthorised use of the Service and you shall be solely responsible for all use of the Service made by you or anyone else using your User Data, for preventing unauthorised use of your User Data and/or  mobile device and you are liable for all user charges that are incurred as a result of any such unauthorised use. 

10.5 If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorised use of your User Data or mobile device you must notify us immediately by e-mailing us at:


We hope that you are pleased with the Service and that you will never have reason to complain – but if there is something you are not happy with we would like you to tell us about it so that we can try to put matters right.  Should you wish to make a complaint with respect to the Agreement or the Service please contact us by emailing or writing to the postal address as follows:

Customer Service:

Helpline:  +97316163531  (toll free, some network providers may apply their own charges, please refer to them for rates).

Email: support-bh@my-subscriptions-bh.comA copy of our Complaints Procedure will be sent to upon request by you or in the event that you submit a complaint to us.


You are free to cancel your subscription at any time by following the instructions below:

To unsubscribe send “UNSUB LIGA” to 88888, or by calling the helpline noted above; or

You may also contact customer services using the telephone number and email address noted directly above; or

You may use the SelfCare website : to unsubscribe by following the instructions.

Your subscription to the Service can also be terminated anytime by clicking on to the unsubscribe option and following the instructions via the account section of the Webb App portal.


12.1 The following provisions at Clauses 12.1 – 12.8  set out all our liability to you (including any liability for acts and/or omissions of our parent company, subsidiaries, associated companies, employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/ licensors) regarding:

a) any breach of this Agreement including any deliberate personal repudiatory breach or any deliberate breach of these conditions by  Company, or our employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers/licensors; andb) any representation, statement or tortuous act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Service.

12.2 Nothing in this Agreement excludes or limits our liability for:

a) death or personal injury caused by our gross negligence; or

b) any matter which it would be illegal for us to limit or exclude or attempt to limit or exclude our liability for; or

c) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

12.3 We are not liable for anything out of our control including but not limited to any loss or damage that you may suffer or incur because of any act of God, power cut; trade or labour dispute, failure or any omission of any government or authority; delay, interruption, obstruction, or failure of telecommunication services; or any other cessation; delay or failure caused by a third party or loss or corruption of data. In such an event, we reserve the right to cancel or suspend the Service indefinitely and without notice or incurring any liability whatsoever.

12.4 All representations, warranties and terms (express or implied) not set out in this Agreement are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and we shall have no liability to you in respect of the same. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless in full and on demand with respect to any liability, damages, costs or claims which we may suffer or incur arising out of or in connection with your use of the Service. 

12.5 Subject to Clause 12.2 above:

a) our total aggregate liability to you in respect of direct loss and damage and other direct liability, whatsoever (howsoever caused), whether in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Service shall be limited to the aggregate total of the subscription charges paid by you in the preceding calendar month to the claim in question;

b) any use of the Service is entirely at your own risk. In no event shall we be liable to you for any special, direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage(s) or liability (including without limitation, loss of profit, data, loss of goodwill, loss of contract or other information) or any claims for consequential compensation, loss, punitive or exemplary damages or damage(s) of any kind whatsoever (howsoever caused); or be subject to equitable or injunctive remedies (whether in contract or tort, including, negligence or strict liability or otherwise), arising out of or in connection with the Service and any supplied Content or offers even if it was reasonably foreseeable and whether or not we have been previously made aware of it.

12.6 We accept no responsibility and shall not be liable to you for the content of or use by you of any information or services offered by third parties’ advertising (including advertising by any referral companies) or otherwise posting information via the Service (whether directly or via links to or from other sites or resources or through framing or other electronic mechanisms), nor can we be said to endorse contents of such advertisements or information. In particular, we shall have no liability in respect of material hyper-linked which may be misleading, inaccurate, defamatory, threatening or obscene or otherwise not in accordance with applicable laws or regulations. The provision by us on the Service of a link to another website or app does not constitute any authorisation to access materials held at that website or the app, your use of those other websites or apps is subject to any terms of use and/or privacy policies on those websites or apps.

12.7 We make no representation or warranty about information or any other item(s) that may be accessed either directly or indirectly via the Service (save to extent expressly provided otherwise in the Service) and we reserve the right to make changes and/or corrections at any time to such information, without notice. We accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions (other than a fraudulent misrepresentation) in or from such information and any decisions based on such information are the sole responsibility of the visitor to the Service.

12.8 Your statutory rights as a consumer (if any) are not affected by this Agreement.


13.1 Ownership: the copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights (“IPRs”) in any Content and/or other material displayed on or via the Service as well as its features, which includes text, data, graphics, photographs, videos, animation, images and audiovisual content is either owned by or licensed to us by our third-party suppliers/licensors (collectively the “Materials”). 

13.2 These IPRs are protected under all applicable copyright and intellectual property laws around the world as well as International treaties. All such rights are reserved. No licence is granted to you in respect of any such rights, except to the extent required for your personal use of the Service in accordance with this Agreement. Any unauthorised distribution of the Materials and/or the IPRs is strictly prohibited and legal action could be taken against any such person who makes unauthorized distribution. Where applicable, each third-party supplier of Materials has the right to assert and enforce the provisions of this Agreement directly on its own behalf as a third-party beneficiary.

13.3 Trademarks: Our goods and/or service marks (which may include a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, shape, signature or any combination of these elements) are and shall remain the exclusive property and trademarks of the Company. You shall not be entitled to reproduce such trademarks and/or associated logos without our express prior written consent on each occasion. 

13.4 Third-Party Trademarks: You do not have the right to use trademarks and/or logos of our third-party suppliers/ licensors such as Zain. Each unauthorized use or infringement of trade marks, logos or distinctive signs can be prosecuted according to the applicable law by the respective parties.

13.5 Copying: Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement is strictly prohibited and in particular you agree to use the Materials solely for your own personal, non-commercial use and specifically not for any business, commercial or public purpose.

13.6 The following activities are prohibited unless you receive our express prior written permission on each occasion:

a) Any downloading, reproduction, modification, distribution or use of the Materials (except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement).

a)deployment within this Service of any spider, robot web crawler or other automated query program;

b)re-use and/or aggregation of any of the Materials in the provision of a commercial service;

c) transfer of any of the Materials to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial or distribution through peer-to-peer networks or any other file sharing platforms; and

d) public display and/or use of any Materials for any rental or sale purposes.

13.7The copying and use of third party materials accessed via the Service is governed by the terms of use applicable to the third party website or service accessed by you.


You agree that the User Data supplied by you to us may be used by us or our affiliates for the following purposes which shall include but are not limited to: sending you messages related to the Service, monitoring your use of the Service and from time to time evaluating if we can improve our services for customers, unless you text “UNSUB LIGA” to 88888, by following the instructions via Web App portal, or by calling the customer care helpline +97316163531. to unsubscribe from the Service or use the other avialble options identified in clause 11 below.

Any marketing information or promotional materials will require your prior consent before being directed to you. 

Excluding User Data (which is covered in the Privacy Policy), all other non-personally identifiable information (including but not limited to comments, ideas, suggestions, concepts, data, technical information and graphics) submitted via the Web App will become our exclusive property without obligation of confidentiality and we, at our sole discretion, shall be free to use such information for any purpose without any restriction whatsoever. 


15.1 This Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between you and us to the fullest extent permitted by law with regard to use of the Service.

15.2 The Privacy Policy forms an integral part of this Agreement.

15.3 If any clause or part of a clause of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then any such part will be severed from this Agreement. The remainder of the clause or paragraph which contains the relevant provision shall not be affected and this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

15.4 You may not transfer your rights pursuant to this Agreement to any third party and nothing in this Agreement shall confer or purport to confer on or operate to give any third party any benefit or any right to enforce any term of this Agreement except 

as expressly provided in this Agreement.

15.5 No failure or delay by us to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver there of and no single or partial exercise of any such right shall prevent any other or further exercise of that or any other right by us.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain. You irrevocably agree that the Courts of the Kingdom of Bahrain shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute or claim of whatever nature arising out of or relating to the Service. However, we retain the right to bring legal proceedings in any jurisdiction where we believe that infringement of our IPRs or breach of this Agreement is taking place or originating. You are solely responsible for compliance with any applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the Service.

Update: last update April 2023


Legal notice

Publisher : this site is published by Mobile Content Factory

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